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upon the active interest of the other officers in getting you qualified, because your qualifying will lighten the workload for them.  You will probably be on watch or standing duty 1 day out of 6, or more frequently.   The senior watch officer will brief you on your duties. RELIEVING THE WATCH Chances  are  you  will  be  put  on  the  watch  list immediately upon reporting.   Whether your duty is as OOD  (in  port)  or  junior  officer  of  the  deck  (JOOD) (under way), the first thing to remember is to get on deck early.   Collect as much information as possible before  you  report  to  relieve  the  watch.     Remember also  that  relieving  the  watch  is  a  serious  evolution. You  should  complete  the  appropriate  watch  officer personnel  qualification  standards  (PQS)  as  soon  as possible.   The  Watch Officer’s Guide  (Naval Institute Press)  is  also  a  good  source  of  information. It  is available   as   a   Navy   nonresident   training   course (NRTC) through your Educational Services Office. RELIEVING AS A DIVISION OFFICER Through   your   correspondence   with   your executive  officer  or  sponsor,  you  will  have  a  pretty good idea of your new duty assignment.  As we stated earlier your first assignment usually will be as a junior or assistant division officer.   That depends largely on the officer complement aboard the ship or station and the needs of the command. If assigned as a division officer, you will be given a  date,  normally  in  writing,  stating  when  you  must relieve   the   present   division   officer. Relieving   a division  officer  requires  planning  and  organization for a smooth transition. Start planning your relieving schedule as soon as you receive your duty assignment.   The effectiveness of   your   relieving   procedure   will   have   a   large influence on your initial success as a division officer. Before  you  relieve,  you  should  have  a  realistic awareness of the division’s effectiveness and plans to correct any deficiencies that exist.   The objective of the  relieving  procedure  is  that  upon  relief  you  will have positive control of your division.  To accomplish this objective, you need a clear understanding of the division’s   personnel   deficiencies   and   capabilities, material condition, operations, and mission. If  your  new  division  has  a  division  chief  or  a leading chief, this person can be an invaluable source of information about the division and its personnel.  If your  division  has  no  chief,  talk  to  your  command’s senior enlisted adviser.   A command’s senior enlisted adviser is a command master chief (E-9), a command senior   chief   (E-8),   or   a   command   chief   (E-7). Regardless  of  the  title,  your  senior  enlisted  adviser can give you a good perspective of your new division. This person can also assist you in other areas, such as counseling and personnel problems.   Make sure you cultivate  a  good  relationship  with  your  command’s senior   enlisted   adviser. We   also   recommend   the Division Officer’s Guide  to help you in your duties. You    should    take    the    following    steps    in preparation for relieving as a division officer: As  quickly  as  possible,  learn  the  identity  of your personnel and call them by rate and name.  Learn as much as you can about their personal histories and professional   capabilities   by   using   the   division officer’s   notebook   and   each   individual’s   service record   as   sources   of   information. Establish communication  with  your  personnel  through  formal and  informal  interviews.    Observe  their  appearance, military bearing, and cooperation among themselves and  with  members  of  other  divisions.    Review  your division’s  Personnel  Qualification  Standards  (PQS) Program.   Make sure it is up to date for each person and  is  being  carried  out  aggressively. Review  the master    training    plan    for    all    formal    school requirements.  Note the projected rotation date (PRD) of division personnel and when a relief is to report. Review the Enlisted Distribution Verification Report (EDVR)   for   required   Navy   enlisted   classification codes (NECs) for the division to ensure the right mix of personnel is on board. Inspect  the  material  condition  of  the  division for   cleanliness,   damage   control,   safety,   and habitability. Inventory   and   inspect   all   equipage before assuming custody.   Survey missing equipage. Routing   of   the   survey   is   the   responsibility   of   the division   officer   being   relieved. Do   not   accept responsibility for past bad housekeeping.   A good aid in making a material inspection is the checkoff list for the  Board  of  Inspection  and  Survey  (INSURV).    Be sure  to  note  whether  discrepancies  listed  during  the last   inspection   have   been   corrected. Also,   check divisional  file  copies  of  all  pending  deferred  action documents to get a firm idea of the division’s material readiness status.   Look at any active casualty reports (CASREPs). Make   sure   the   division’s   planned maintenance system (PMS) is up to date and effective. Check  the  division  equipment  deficiency  log  (EDL) and the current ship’s maintenance program (CSMP). 3-5

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