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Page Title: Assignment 2: 45 - 52
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2-45. Interpreting the laws and regulations  relating  to  travel reimbursement based on the evaluation  of  all  pertinent  facts. 1.  A 2.  B 3.  C 2-46. Ensuring  that  uniform  travel regulations  are  issued  according  to the  Career  Compensation  Act. 1.  A 2.  B 3.  C 2-47. A member without dependents is eligible to receive DLA when transferred on PCS orders to a new duty station where government quarters are not assigned or are temporarily occupied for 60 days or less. 1. True 2. False 2-48. Which of the following statements does NOT describe a member without dependents  for  DLA  purposes? 1. Has dependents entitled to travel and transportation allowances,  but  the  dependents do not relocate in connection with  PCS 2. Has a spouse who is a dependent on the effective date of the member’s PCS orders that was a former  member  and  received travel  allowances  upon separation  from  the  service 3. Has  no  dependents 4. Is not entitled to travel and transportation  allowances  for travel  of  dependents  in connection  with  PCS 2-49. Which of the following amounts is payable for DLA? 1. 1 month of BAQ for member’s paygrade 2. 2 months of BAQ for member’s paygrade 3. 3 months of BAQ for member’s paygrade 4. 4 months of BAQ for member’s paygrade 2-50. Which of the following is one of the  criteria  used  to  determine whether a member’s old and new duty stations are in proximity to each other? 1. They are within a 50-mile radius of each other 2. The  distance  from  the  member’s residence  to  the  new  duty station is less than or equal to the distance from the residence to the old duty station 3. The  commuting  time  between  the duty stations is no more than 2 hours 4. They are both served by the same  local  transportation system 2-51. A  member  with  dependents  moved  on PCS orders but elected not to move the  dependents  concurrently. Government  quarters  were  not assigned and the member was paid single  DLA. If the dependents later join the member, which, if any, of the following amounts would be payable for DLA? 1. 1 month of BAQ with dependents for  member’s  paygrade 2. 2 months of BAQ with dependents for  member’s  paygrade 3. The  difference  between  2  months of BAQ for member’s paygrade at the  with  dependents  rate  and the  without  dependents  rate 4. None of the above 2-52. For  which  of  the  following situations  would  DLA  be  payable? 1. A move from home to first PDS 2. A move from last PDS to home 3. A move from an overseas duty station  back  to  CONUS  because of  inadequate  medical facilities 4. A move from last PDS in one period of service to first PDS in new period of service when there was no ordered PCS between  those  stations 13

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