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RECERTIFICATION.—  As mentioned earlier, all members entitled to an OHA must have their housing cost  data,  as  reported  on  the  DD  2367,  recertified annually. Move-In Housing Allowance The  purpose  of  the  MIHA  is  to  defray  costs associated  with  a  member’s  occupancy  of  privately leased/owned  quarters  covered  by  the  OHA  program. To be entitled to MIHA, a member must be eligible for OHA. TYPES OF MIHA’S.— There  are  three  different types  of  MIHAs: (1)   MIHA/Miscellaneous,   (2) MIHA/Rent,   and   (3)   MIHA/Security.   The requirements and documentation will differ among the three types. MIHA/Miscellaneous.—   The  miscellaneous entitlement reflects the average expenditures made by members  to  make  their  dwellings  habitable.  This payment recognizes that items such as sinks, toilets, light fixtures, kitchen cabinets, door/window locks, and a refrigerator and stove are sometimes not provided in overseas dwellings. The amount payable is found in appendix K of the JFTR along  with  the  rental  ceiling and  utility/recurring  maintenance  allowances.  The amount is determined from members’ actual expenses reported  to  the  Per  Diem,  Travel  and  Transportation Allowance   Committee   (PDTTAC)   each   year.   All members   entitled   to   MIHA   will   receive MIHA/miscellaneous. It is paid based on the DD 2367 completed  for  OHA  entitlement.  Only  one  payment  is authorized at a duty station unless a govemment-funded local move occurs and the member occupies another dwelling covered by OHA. MIHA/Rent.—  The  rent  entitlement  totally  covers reasonable  rent-related  expenses  and,  therefore,  does not apply to homeowners. The expenses covered are fixed, one-time, nonrefundable charges levied by the landlord, the landlord’s agent, or a government, which the  member  must  pay  before  or  upon  occupying  a dwelling  place.    Examples are the real estate agent’s fees,  redecoration  fees,  and  one-time  lease  taxes. Advance rental payments or refundable deposits are not covered.   Recurring   costs   are   also   excluded.   Any expenditure   considered   unreasonable   by   the authorizing/approving official must be disallowed in part  or  total.  Those  members  who  qualify  must complete  a  Move-In  Housing  Allowance  Claim  Form, DD  Form  2556.  This  form  is  shown  in  figure  8-3. Appropriate  receipts/documents  must  be  provided  to support  the  claimed  amounts. MIHA/Security.—  The   security   entitlement covers  reasonable  security-related  expenses  for members  assigned  to  areas  where  dwellings  must  be modified  to  minimize  exposure  to  terrorist  and/or criminal threats. Qualifying areas are listed in appendix N of the JFTR.  Examples  of  permissible  items  are security doors, bars, locks, lights, and alarm systems. Expenditures  that  are  not  related  to  the  physical dwelling, such as for personal security guards or dogs, are  not  permitted. The  DD  2556  is  used  to  claim MIHA/Security allowances. Appropriate receipts/documents  are  also  required  to  support  these expenses. MEMBERS NOT ENTITLED TO MIHA.—  A member in any one of the following situations will  not be entitled to MIHA: A  government-funded  move  does  not  occur. (Exception: If  a  member  is  entitled  to  a government-funded  move  but  elects  to  move  at personal expense, he or she is authorized MIHA. However,  the  member’s  commanding  officer must  issue  a  certificate  stating  that  the  member was  entitled  to  a  government-funded  move  but elected to move at personal expense.) Member executes a PCS but remains in the same dwelling  place. Member  moves  from  government  quarters  to  a nongovernment residence in conjunction with retirement or separation. Advance Payment of OHA When   allowed   by   regulations,   a   member’s commanding   officer,   the   commanding   officer’s designated   representative,   or   another   official   so designated  may  authorize  an  advance  payment  of  OHA and  BAQ.  A  member  may  receive  the  advance  to  pay advance rent, security deposits, or initial expenses that result  from  occupancy  of  other  than  government housing. The advance may be paid at any time during the member’s tour at the duty station. It may also be authorized when a member has located housing incident to  PCS  orders.  Normally,  the  advance  will  not  be disbursed more than 3 working days before the date the payment under the lease or rental agreement must be made, but may be authorized earlier in extenuating circumstances.  The  request  must  also  be  made  no  later than 90 days after the member signs the lease/rental 8-6

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