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magnetic-ink-charactacter recognition field. Any box of check stock that bears evidence of tampering must be opined  and  the  checks  counted  individually.  If  any checks   are   missing   or   defective,   the   procedures prescribed in the  Department  of  Defense  Financial Management  Regulation  (DODFMR)  —  Disbursing Policy  and  Procedures,  Volume  5,  must  be  followed. DISTRIBUTION  AND CANCELLATION OF GOVERNMENT  CHECKS Normally,  a  government  check  is  prepared  and issued  to  the  payee.  The  disposition  of  the  majority  of government checks will fall in this category. At times, however, some government checks issued to payees must  be  canceled. NORMAL  DISTRIBUTION  PROCEDURES Afier preparation, a government check is delivered to its payee or to a designated address by regular mail. That  is  the  normal,  basic  distribution  process. Registered mail is not necessary for this process. In the normal distribution process, however, all DOs must make  certain  payroll  checks  are  handled  according  to the  following  regulations: Mailed no earlier than 3 workdays before payday Dated no earlier than the day the pay is due NOTE: Hand  distribution  of  payroll  checks  prior to payday is prohibited. CANCELLATIONS OF GOVERNMENT CHECKS Previously, you learned that a government check is canceled because it is no longer negotiable by the payee. You  also  read  about  the  different  categories  of  canceled checks.  In  the  following  paragraphs,  you  will  read about the cancellation processes for these checks. Spoiled  Checks As explained previously, a spoiled check is a check that is replaced by a control check bearing the same disbursing symbol and serial number. A check maybe classified as spoiled and replaced with a control check under  the  following  conditions: It represents a valid payment. It is in the possession of the DO. It was misprinted or mutilated during the issue process. It  was  returned  by  the  payee  as  uncashable because of a defect in the check itself. At  times,  a  payee  may  present  a  large  enough portion of a mutilated check so that the check number, issuing symbol, date, and amount can be positively identified. In these cases, the check should be treated as a spoiled check. When a check is spoiled, no reference will be made on the record of checks drawn that a control check, per se, has been issued. That is because the serial number of the spoiled check will be the same as the serial number of the control check and that particular serial number will already appear on the record of checks drawn. All   spoiled   checks   must   be   rendered non-negotiable. This is done by typing or stamping the   following   statement   on   the   face   of   the check:  S P O I L E D   -   NOT   NEGOTIABLE; REPLACEMENT  ISSUED  UNDER  CONTROL NUMBER DOCUMENTATION.—  The  DO  must  use  a Spoiled/Control  Check  Record,  DD  Form  2661,  to mantain a record of spoiled checks and the control checks used to replace them. The DD 2661 will be retained for 14 months from the check issue date, after which time it may be destroyed. An example of a DD 2661 is shown in figure 4-2. DISPOSITION.— A (least once each quarter, the DO must destroy all spoiled checks locally by shredding or  incinerating  them. Method.—   If  the  checks  are  destroyed  by shredding, the fragments can be no larger than .25 inch in width and 3.5 inches in length. If they are destroyed by burning, the checks must be completely burned. Certificate of Destruction.— Whenever  spoiled checks  are  destroyed,  a  Certificate  of  Destruction  must be prepared in an original and one copy. It must include the  following  information: The complete mailing address of the disbursing office The date and method of destruction The  DSSN The serial number of each check 4-6

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