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publication-type  instructions,  to  indicate  changes received  and  incorporated. ORDERING FORMS AND PUBLICATIONS To order new forms or publications (with the ex- ception of those issued through the Directives Issuance System),  or  to  replace  those  that  have  become  damaged or  mutilated,  all  you  need  do  is  notify  your  supply officer. The method of letting the supply officer know what you need varies with the activity or size of your ship.  The  supply  officer  will  let  you  know  how  the information is to be given. The supply department pre- pares  a  DOD  Single  Line  Item  Requisition  System Document, DD Form 1348, and sends it to the supply activity responsible for the supply support of your ship or station. DIRECTIVES  ISSUANCE  SYSTEM The  Department  of  the  Navy  Directives  Issuance System provides a standard method of issuing directives by all activities in the Navy. As set forth in SECNAV- INST  5215.1C,  the  system  contains  the  following  two parts and two tables: Part I—Definition, Criteria, and Responsibility Part II—Preparation and Maintenance of Directives Table  I—Preparation  of  Letter-Type  Directives Table  II—Preparation  of  Special-Type  Directives The Directives Issuance System contains the stan- dard  procedures  and  formats  used  to  issue  policy, procedural,  and  informational  releases  in  the  Depart- ment of the Navy. In general, a document is issued in the Directives Issuance System when it does one or more of the fol- lowing: Regulates  or  is  essential  to  effective  administra- tion Establishes  policy Delegates  authority  or  assigns  responsibility Assigns  an  organizational  structure Assigns a mission, function, or task Initiates or governs a course of action or conduct 1-6 Establishes a procedure, technique, standard, guide, or method of performing a duty, function, or an operation Establishes  a  reporting  requirement Changes,  supersedes,  or  cancels  another  direc- tive With  certain  exceptions,  issuances  not  falling within  the  scope  of  the  previous  criteria  nevertheless may be issued in the Directives Issuance System to obtain quick and controlled dissemination. Normally issued as notices, these may include the following: . Requests for comments, approval, or informa- tion l Directions for routinely carrying out established operations,  such  as  matters  about  individual  personnel actions  or  special  shipments  of  material .  Informative  announcements,  such  as  education or  promotion  opportunities,  recreational  activities, work  improvement  plans,  suggestions  for  morale  build- ing,  or  changes  in  office  locations  or  telephone  exten- sions There are two types of exceptions—required and optional. Required exceptions are Navy regulations, Top  Secret  documents,  and  registered  publications.  Op- tional exceptions are operation plans and orders, tech- nical and regulatory manuals and publications, and changes  to  them. A  directive  prescribes  or  establishes  policy,  organi- zation, conduct, methods, or procedures; requires action or states information essential to the effective admini- stration or operation of activities concerned; or contains authority  or  information  that  must  be  issued  formally. The types of directives used in the Directives Issu- ance System include instructions, notices, and change transmittals. Instructions An instruction is a directive that contains authority or information having continuing reference value, or requiring  continuing  action.  It  remains  in  effect  for  7 years or until superseded or otherwise canceled, which- ever occurs first, by the originator or higher authority. Notices A notice is a directive of a one-time nature or one that contains information or action for a brief time only.

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