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disinterest  or  disbelief.  The  recruiter’s  job  is  still  to work  on  building  rapport  and  making  the  prospect  feel comfortable enough to open up with the recruiter and concentrate on the sales presentation. THE TRIAL CLOSE It is often said that the secret to closing is knowing when to rather than how to. The trial close is designed to find out when to close. Known as the salesperson’s thermometer,   the   trial   close   is   an   opinion-asking question.  You  can  use  the  trial  close  to  check  your prospect’s  response  to  your  conviction  or  evidence  when you suspect a buying signal or anytime you feel the need to check the prospect’s temperature. The bridge into a trial close is “In your opinion, do you feel. . .” The rest of the question becomes “the wants and needs provided by the Navy will give you your DBM?” Now, the prospects have already told us that if they get their wants and needs they will have their DBM. All we are adding is “provided by the Navy.” The natural response would be yes. If they will realize their DBM with the attainment of their wants and needs, then they also will realize  their  DBM  when  the  Navy  provides  them  their wants  and  needs.  Of  course  that  won’t  always  happen. The  following  responses  should  be  made  to  hot, lukewarm,  and  cold  prospects. Hot Prospect If  the  prospects  respond  favorably  to  your  trial close  —  CLOSE!  That’s  right,  no  further  talking  is necessary.  It  is  time  to  move  your  prospects  on.  In effect, they have given you that green light that says “Okay.  put  me  in  the  Navy.”  Talking  too  much  can actually  unsell  prospects. Lukewarm Prospect Lukewarm prospects may respond with an “I’m just not  sure”  or  “Well  it  looks  good,  but.  .  .”  If  the prospects  ask  for  more  information,  by  all  means provide   more   conviction   and/or   evidence.   If   they express an unclear thought, handle it as an objection. Cold Prospect Cold prospects may answer with a flat-out no. They may  even  continue  with  a  reason  for  the  negative response. Either way, go into objection-handling, which we will discuss directly after the close. THE CLOSE The purpose of your close is to let your prospects know they have bought. The close is a critical point in the  sales  presentation.  Well-published  sales  motivator Tom Hopkins said, “Closing is the process of helping people  make  decisions  that  are  good  for  them.”  The close is a call to action. Recruiters must understand the psychology of the close as well as the techniques. The Psychology of the Close We must understand the psychology of the close, both  from  the  perspective  of  the  prospect  and  the recruiter. The   prospect   generally   hates   making decisions.  Decision  making  is  not  usually  easy  for anyone. Your   prospect may  be  particularly inexperienced  at  making  his  or  her  own  decisions. Therefore,  the  recruiter  must  be  relaxed  and  assumptive to help the prospect through this mental turmoil. One way to do this is by making sure the close asks for a minor decision. Asking prospects directly if they are ready to enlist may add to their turmoil. Asking for a minor  decision  helps  the  prospects  ease  into  their decision  to  enlist. Types of Minor Decisions We use five basic types of closes. All types ask for a minor decision from the prospect. The decision may be in the form of an outright answer or the completion of a requested action. The five types of minor decisions with an example of each are as follows: 1.  Minor  point.  “My people take their physicals and process on Tuesday; I will pick you up.” 2.  Alternate  proposal.  “I  can  schedule  you  for  a physical  and  processing  on  Tuesday  or  Wednesday. Which would be better for you?” 3. Gift. “I’d like to present you with the pamphlet How You Can Join the Navy. I’ll write in the times for your test and physical right here in the front.” 4.   Action.   “Jason, here’s   your   first   Navy assignment  just  grab  that  envelope  over  there,  and  we’ll get  started  on  your  application.” 5. Impending doom. “It’s now or never.” CAUTION: You should be careful with this type of close. Be sure that you are willing to back up the threat. 6-30

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