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greater the fear.    This fear often comes from within the individual. Fear of failure can be all-consuming to the point of mental exhaustion and stress overload. BLINDNESS TO CUSTOMER CONCERNS Recruiters  focused  only  on  numbers  are  often blind  to  the  concerns  of  their  customers  or  prospects. This blindness takes the form of poor listening skills during interviews, failure to provide red carpet service during  processing,  and  lack  of  good  delayed  entry program (DEP) management. The results are loss of contracts, fewer referrals, and higher DEP attrition. Recruiters who genuinely put their prospect first, last, and always are going to enjoy continued success. QUALITY  LEADERSHIP Quality  leadership  emphasizes  results  by  working on  the  methods. Recruiting   supervisors   must constantly  work  on  improving  the  systems  and training  their  people. The 85/15 management rule states  that  85  percent  of  problems  can  only  be corrected   by   changing   the   systems. This   is   a management  responsibility.  Many  problems  that  are attributed to the recruiters are really training problems. Training is a system. That leaves only 15 percent of the  problems  controlled  by  the  recruiters  themselves. This is the attitude that we, as Career Recruiting Force (CRF)  members,  must  adopt. We  must  take responsibility for the problems and control the systems to  correct  them.  We  will  use  a  variety  of  analysis methods to find potential problems. Always keep in mind, however, the only way to verify a problem and provide a solution is to get involved with hands-on observation and training. ENLISTED  RECRUITING  PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT   SYSTEM The Enlisted Recruiting Personnel Management System (ERPMS) is designed to allow the recruiter in charge (RINC) to manage and control all the available assets within the Navy recruiting station (NRS) to achieve  goal.  The  zone  supervisor  (ZS)  is  tasked  with providing  the  RINC  with  direction,  guidance,  and training  to  accomplish  this.  The  ERPMS  provides production  personnel  with  an  effective  plan  and evaluation of recruiting activities necessary to achieve goal. The system consists of the station planner, the applicant log, the ZS monthly planner/itinerary, the production analysis/training evaluation sheet, and the NF/RZ applicant tracking log. This system provides the statistics we mentioned at the beginning of the chapter.  Daily  production  reviews  (DPRs)  provide  the input for the ERPMS, as well as an opportunity to share the results of its evaluation. Analysis of activity statistics is crucial for proper problem identification and determination of training needs. The following paragraphs  cover  the  ERPMS  components  used  by recruiters, RINCS, and the ZS. STATION PLANNER The Station Planner, NAVCRUIT Form 5220/18, is the primary form used for planning and executing station  activities.  Each  RINC  maintains  a  station planner for each week. This planner is developed by the  RINC,  using  recruiter  input  based  on  the Production   Analysis/Training   Evaluation   (PATE) Sheet,  NAVCRUIT  Form  1500/6,  and  all  known activity to be scheduled. The planner is prepared on the  last  prospecting  day  of  the  week  for  the  following week. It contains the hourly, daily, and weekly plan for  each  recruiter  to  support  goal.  The  number  of appointments  and  interviews  planned  and  attained  are listed  each  day  by  recruiter.  Figure  8-1  shows  a sample  planner  excerpt  for  one  recruiter. Planner  Preparation There are probably as many ideas on the perfect planner as there are members in the CRF community. The objective is to develop a plan that works for the recruiters   and   the   RINC   that   will   be   using   it. Although   goal-directed,   plans   are   time-oriented. Planners will help us to plan how our time is used. They  must  take  into  account  what  happened  last  week, last month, even last year. Planning and controlling go  hand  in  hand. Plans  point  the  way  to  goal attainment  and  controls  provide  guidance  to  keep those plans on track. The best laid plans are only paper  until  the  action  has  been  applied.  Each  recruiter should keep some sort of time management tool for planning purposes and use when away from the NRS. The  Navy  supply  system  provides  an  appropriate planning  calendar  in  spiral  notebook  form. PLANNER ENTRIES.– All NRS functions that are planned should be entered on the planner for the coming week. The RINC should maintain a planner for each week of the month to make entries as they are  planned  or  become  known. Test and military 8-2

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