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Page Title: Knowing When to Create Desire
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Despite or even though – The question is “Can I take advantage of the education, money, and financial security (the applicant’s want, need, and DBM) in the Navy despite the fact that I’11 be  leaving  the  area?” If the prospect responds with a no, you have not gotten the real objection. Then you should ask, “Then, what  is  the  question?”  Hopefully,  the  prospect  will  tell you the real objection. If the prospect just keeps coming up  with  more  objections,  the  probability  exists  that rapport  has  been  broken  or  the  prospect  may  not  want to admit the real objection. If the prospect says, “Yes that’s  the  question,”    then  you  can  continue  with objection  handling. l IRON out the answer. IRON stands for  Inquire objectively,  Reverse  if possible,  Offer  some  evidence (STAR), and  Number another unit of conviction. You can use one, a combination, or all the IRON techniques to  answer  his  or  her  question(s).  Let’s  look  at  an example  of  the  IRON  step  using  all  four  techniques combined  for  the  verified  treated  question  “The question is How much money will I make? Is that the question?” The prospect responds with a yes and you begin to IRON out an answer. “Let me ask you a few questions, John. How much money are the jobs offering around here? And how much money do you need for rent?  Food?  Workclothes?  That  may  be  the  very  reason you should join the Navy today. Take a look at this pay chart. You’ll have more money each month because this starting pay is basically your spending money, John, which means to you that the Navy will pay for your living quarters, your food, even your uniforms. You’ll receive regular pay raises as you advance in rate and meet longevity marks. Our pay is also adjusted each year for cost of living increases, and the real benefit to you  is  you’ll  have  that  financial  security  you  are looking for.” l  After  IRONing  out  the  question,  use  a  trial close  again.  Based  on  the  prospect’s  response,  you  will close,  provide  more  conviction  and  evidence,  create desire, or use a weighing close. CREATING  DESIRE Although  our  sales  presentation  tends  to  create desire,  we  may  have  to  help  the  prospects  see themselves enjoying our proposal. The purpose of the desire step is to remind the prospects of their problems and help them to sense the advantages that our proposal will provide. If our proposal is correct, the following are  the  only  two  reasons  prospects  don’t  buy: l They are not aware of their problems. l  They  are  not  sufficiently  disturbed  by  their problems. Knowing When to Create Desire People will buy if they can mentally see or imagine themselves enjoying the benefits, Key phrases that will let you know the desire step is needed include “I can’t see myself in the Navy;” “ I can’t picture myself doing that;” or “I just can’t imagine being able to do that.” Steps in Creating Desire Again, we have a series of steps to follow to make this  step  of  the  sale  successful. l Remind your prospect of his or her problem. “You want a (want/need)  that  will  (DBM).” l Get the prospect’s confirmation. “Is  that  correct?” l Tell the prospect that your proposal will solve the  problem. “Our   (benefits) will do that for you,” l  Project  the  prospect  to  a  specific  point  in  the future. “It’s    (time period)    from  now.  You’re  at location  .” l Paint the prospect a word picture that helps him or her to be there enjoying the DBM. Do this by using language that appeals to the senses and emotions. This language  is  called  concrete  language.  Try  to  use  as many of the senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch) as you can when painting your word picture. Make them feel like they are really there. Remember your  goal  in  this  step  is  to  stir  up  the  prospects’ emotions  and  let  them  see  what  realizing  that  DBM  is going to be like. l Make direct eye contact and trial close with “Is that what you really want?” 6-32

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