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Nuclear Field Qualification Test NRD testing personnel (educational specialists, enlisted  classifiers,  and  test  control  officers)  may  take the   nuclear   field   qualification   test   (NFQT)   on overnight  trips. Test materials must be carried in separate  locked  containers  and  stored  in  the  NRS when  overnight  storage  is  required.  Station  personnel should  accept  the  material  from  the  test  administrators in  a  locked  container  only.  The  locked  container should be stored overnight, in its entirety, in a safe or locked filing cabinet. SECURITY  CONTAINERS Each NRS should have a safe or storage cabinet, preferably  metal,  for  secure  stowage.  Combination locks should be used on all security containers. Only NRS   personnel   should   have   knowledge   of   the combination  numbers. Lock  Combination  Changes Lock   combinations   should   be   changed   and submitted to the NRD security officer, normally the XO, annually or upon the departure of any recruiter assigned to the NRS. Security Container Information Form Security Container Information, Standard Form 700, is used to report combination changes and record those personnel with access to the combination. Part 1 of the form is placed on the inside of the security container. In the event the container is found open, responsible  parties  can  be  notified.  Part  2a,  which contains the combination, is placed in the envelope, which  is  part  2,  and  submitted  to  the  security  officer. PLANT AND MINOR PROPERTY Plant property material is equipment having an estimated  or  actual  cost  of  $5,000  or  more  and  an expected   useful   life   of   1   year   or   more. Minor property is property acquired for immediate use and having  a  unit  cost  of  less  than  $5,000. At  a minimum, all furniture, fixtures, or office equipment costing more than $300 and less than $5,000, and all equipment that is classified, pilferable, or sensitive should  be  monitored  through  a  property  management system.  Pilferable  property  includes  items  such  as calculators,  typewriters,  cameras,  audiovisual equipment,   communication   devices,   computer accessories, and power tools. The  Logistics  Support Manual,  COMNAVCRUITCOMINST  4400.1,  gives complete  guidance  for  property  management  systems. Minor Property Administrators Each   NRD   designates   a   minor   property administrator  who  is  responsible  for  maintaining  the property management system. The  administrator ensures required inventories are conducted; physically marks all minor property with a tag, plate, or other control  device;  and  provides  a  listing  of  minor property  to  each  minor  property  responsible  officer, Minor Property Responsible Officer NRDs  should  formally  assign,  in  writing,  a network of minor property responsible officers who maintain  item  control  over  minor  property.  As  a recruiting  manager,  this  responsibility  may  be  assigned to  you.  Minor  property  responsible  officers  make  sure all minor property is identified with the ownership designation  U.S.  Navy  and  advise  minor  property administrators of all acquisitions, dispositions, and transfers  of  minor  property.  For  missing,  lost,  or stolen property, they notify the NRD physical security officer and submit a missing, lost, stolen, or recovered (M-L-S-R)  report. The minor property responsible officers verify minor property listings and sign each page of automated minor property Lists or each manual custody card, if used, upon relief and upon completion of  the  triennial  (every  3  years)  and  semiannual inventories. Required  Inventories A   physical   inventory   must   be   conducted triennially in April by personnel other than the minor property  responsible  officer.  The  initial  inventory  was conducted in April 1988. Semiannually in April and October,  the  minor  property  responsible  officer verifies the listing of minor property. When the minor property responsible officer transfers, the incoming minor  property  responsible  officer  conducts  an inventory  by  verifying  the  minor  property  listing.  All reconciliation  of  inventory  lists  must  be  completed  by the  April  and  October  deadlines,  so  you  probably  will be  required  to  complete  your  verification  1  or  2 months before that time. 4-19

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