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CHAPTER 6 RECRUITING This chapter covers the actual art and science of recruiting. We start with prospecting in each of the five modes  and  then  briefly  highlight  enlistment  eligibility requirements.  Next  we  take  a  detailed  look  at  the psychology  and  techniques  used  to  sell  the  Navy. Wrapping   up   the   chapter,   we   cover   processing requirements. As you read the prospecting and sales portions of this  chapter,  try  to  view  the  techniques  and  philosophies through  the  eyes  of  your  recruiters.  Many  “natural” salespeople gravitate to the Career Recruiting Force (CRF)  community.  To  be  a  successful  recruiter,  you may  not  have  needed  all  the  strategies.  Now,  as  a recruiting  supervisor,  you  are  responsible  for  providing all the tools necessary for recruiting success to a variety of  sailors  with  different  personalities  and  characteristics. You  must  have  a  solid  foundation  of  the  basics  to provide  effective  training  to  all.  Even  experienced recruiters who have regained their success after a period of   decreased   productivity   oftentimes   credit   the turnaround  to  “getting  back  to  basics.” PROSPECTING The  word  prospecting   often  brings  to  mind  the miners  of  old,  with  pick  and  shovel,  in  search  of valuable  mineral  deposits.  The  miners’  labors  rarely  met with success without some mental consideration and exploration. Like those miners, we too must exercise mental   forethought   and   marketing   exploration   to achieve our goal of locating the valuable resources of quality prospects. With proper planning all modes of prospecting  can  yield  results.  Over  the  next  several paragraphs  we  cover  the  five  prospecting  modes  known as  TRAMP  (telephone,  referrals,  advertising,  mail-outs, and  personally  developed  contacts  [PDCs]). TELEPHONE  PROSPECTING The   telephone   is   a   valuable   time-saver   for prospecting. This method allows a recruiter to contact the most prospects in the least amount of time. It also can  help  to  prequalify  prospects  to  avoid  wasted  travel and interview time. Correct telephone technique will assure recruiters of legitimate contacts who are prepared to meet with them at agreed times and places. 6-1 Plan Calls and Mentally Prepare Just  knowing  that  the  telephone  is  an  efficient prospecting mode is not enough. Recruiters must plan their  calls  and  mentally  prepare  themselves  to  project the proper image. The better the planning the more likely the recruiter will be to achieve the goal of setting an appointment. Random phone prospecting through stacks  of  prospect  cards  can  lead  to  frustration  and failure. You should train recruiters and remind them from time to time about the purpose of a phone contact, phone  rejection,  and  phone  power  principles. Purpose of a Phone Contact Tell your recruiters that the purpose of a phone contact is to sell themselves to the extent of setting an appointment.   They   should   never   try   to   sell   an enlistment over the phone. Only answer objections that have to do with getting an appointment on the phone. Objections to the Navy are best handled by promising to discuss them when they get together in person and have  the  time  to  examine  the  objections  properly. Phone  Rejection Some  recruiters  may  dread  phone  prospecting because of the fear of rejection. They should understand there  are  four  major  reasons  for  recruiters  to  get rejected  by  prospects  on  the  phone  and  only  one  of those reasons has anything to do with the recruiter. A phone call is always an interruption. The  prospect  thinks  the  recruiter  will  take  too much of his or her time. The prospect is busy at the time the recruiter wants  the  appointment. The recruiter is not interesting over the phone. By  understanding  these  reasons,  the  recruiter  can come to expect initial rejection over the phone and be more prepared to overcome it through effective phone techniques.   A   positive   approach   to   rejection   is illustrated by the story of a young sailor who loved to

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