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ASSIGNMENT  3 Textbook Assignment: "Compasses (continued)", "Navigational Publications", and "The Nautical Road", chapters 2, 3, and 4, pages 2-22 through 4-5. IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 3-1 THROUGH 3-4, SELECT FROM COLUMN B THE USAGE THAT MATCHES  THE  MEASUREMENT  TOOL  IN  COLUMN  A. RESPONSES ARE USED ONLY ONCE. A.  TOOL B. USAGE 3-1. 3-2. 3-3. 3-4. Parallel 1.   To obtain an Motion azimuth  of  the  Sun Protractor for  checking  gyro (PMP) compass  error Azimuth 2. Circle Bearing Circle 3. Telescopic Alidade 4. To  obtain  bearings of aids to naviga- tion  to  determine the  ship's  position To  determine  and plot bearings and courses  on  charts To  obtain  bearings of other ships to determine  relative motion 3-5. The azimuth circle can also be used as a bearing circle. 1. True 2. False 3-6. What is the advantage of plotting with a PMP? 1. It is anchored to the chart table 2. It allows the plotter to plot quickly and accurately 3. It allows the plotter to plot fixes  every  3  minutes 4. It  works  in  conjunction  with the  compass  rose 3-7. What reference line should be used to align a PMP to a chart? 1. Latitude 2. Longitude 3. Meridian 3-9. Why is it important to use a telescopic  alidade  when  taking visual  bearings? 1. It gives bearings in true degrees 2. It fits on any compass 3. It allows the bearing taker to see both the object and its bearing at the same time 4. It can be used in any type of weather 3-10. What is the disadvantage of determining gyro error by terrestrial  range? 1. The ship has to be on the range when the bearing is taken 2. Most harbors don't use ranges 3. This  method  is  only  as  accurate as the person taking the bearing 3-11. When is the Franklin technique of checking  gyro  error  most  useful? 1. In open ocean 2. Prior to getting under way 3. When a range cannot be found 4. At any time 3-12. When must you use the Franklin technique  of  checking  gyro  error? 1. The Sun is not visible 2. A range cannot be found 3.    An amplitude is not possible 4. No other method of checking the gyro error is available prior to getting under way 3-13. What publication name applies to a complete  listing  of  all  aids  to navigation  and  chart  symbology? 1. Pilot  Chart 2. Chart #1 3. Hydrographic   Chart 4.    Tide    Tables 3-8. When a telescopic alidade is used, bearings should be read when the circle is level. 1. True 2. False 13

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