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IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 7-44 THROUGH 7-50, 7-50. What is the maximum difference REFER TO TABLES 7-A, 7-B, AND 7-C, LOCATED between low and high tide at New AT THE END OF THIS ASSIGNMENT. (EXCERPTS York  (The  Battery)  on FROM THE TIDE TABLES). 14 August 1984? 7-44. 7-45. 7-46. 7-47. 7-48. 7-49. At what time on 11 August 1984 did (a) high tide occur at New York, Chelsea Docks, and (b) what was the height  in  feet? 1. (a)  0227 (b) -0.3 2. (a)  2045 (b)  5.3 3. (a)  0836 4. (a)  2026 (b)  4.1 (b)  5.0 What was the duration of fall of tide from the first high to the first  low  at  George  Washington Bridge  on  6  September  1984? 1. 5 hr, 7 min 2. 5 hr, 53 min 3. 5 hr, 57 min 4. 6 hr, 27 min Based on question 7-45, what was the range of tide from the first high tide to the first low tide? 1. 2.8 ft 2. 3.4 ft 3. 4.0 ft 4. 4.7 ft What was the time of morning high tide at Yonkers on 23 August 1984? 1. 0615 2. 0602 3. 0515 4. 0449 Assume that your ship is entering the area adjacent to Union Stock Yards, New York at 0900, 1 July 1984. What is the height of the tide? 1. 3.3 ft 2. 4.0 ft 3. 4.7 ft 4. 5.0 ft What  was  the  maximum  difference between low and high tides at Hoboken, Castle  Point,  NJ  on 19 July 1984? 1. 2.1 ft 2. 2.6 ft 3. 3.4 ft 4. 5.3 ft 1. 4.4 ft 2. 3.9 ft 3. 4.1 ft 4. 4.6 ft 7-51. Graphing tides for the entire day will save you from calculating the height of tide separately for each aid you visit. 1. True 2. False IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 7-52 AND 7-53, REFER TO FIGURE 7-8 IN YOUR TEXT. 7-52. What is the height of tide at 1200? 1. 3.0 ft 2. 3.2 ft 3. 3.3 ft 4. 3.5 ft 7-53. At what time was the tide at a height of 3.9 feet? 1. 1300 2. 1315 3. 1330 4. 1345 IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 7-54 THROUGH 7-57, SELECT FROM COLUMN B THE DEFINITION THAT MATCHES THE CURRENT IN COLUMN A. RESPONSES WILL BE USED ONLY ONCE. A. CURRENT B. DEFINITION 7-54. 7-55. 7-56. Flood Ebb Slack water 7-57. Rotary 1. 2. 3. 4. Little or no current Horizontal movement  of water  from  shore to sea Continually  flows with  the direction of flow changing through  all points of  the  compass during  the  tidal period Horizontal  move- ment  of  water from sea to shore 41

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