One of the main duties of an SK is to identify and
requisition general and aeronautical material. This
Material is managed according to category
chapter provides basic information to help you develop
(Federal Supply Classification) and its intended use.
the knowledge you need to perform these duties. You
An inventory manager is assigned for each category of
may not have all the facts memorized, but you should
material, and has overall responsibility for all items
know where to find the information required. As you
within the category. The inventory manager is also
gain experience in your rate, you will be able to retain
called "material cognizant" within the supply system.
most of this information. Memorizing commonly used
All items in the supply system have an assigned
information will help, since speed is an essential
two-position cognizance symbol code. This code
element in processing high priority requisitions.
identifies the inventory manager and the stores account
Processing time starts when requisitions are ordered. It
in which the material is carried.
ends when the material is delivered and received by the
The items assigned to bureau, office, or systems
customer. In this time limit, technical research,
command for inventory management include the
requisition preparation, breakout of material, and
following material:
delivery must be accomplished. Therefore, you cannot
s p e n d m o s t o f t h e t i m e a l l ow e d i n m a t e r i a l
Material in the research and development stage
Material that requires continuing logistics,
Proper material identification is essential to the
engineering, or fiscal administration and control
requisitioning and receipt of the correct item. You must
at the department level
understand the terminologies used in material
Material recognized as a one-time installation
identification. The appendix section of this manual
lists some of these terminologies and acronyms. For
that was bought and issued for a specific use
more information, refer to the list of publications used
The inventory control point (ICP) items are those
as references in writing this manual.
for which bureau, office, or systems command
There are over four million supply items in the
management is not essential. The ICP provides stocks
Department of Defense (DOD) Supply System. The
of these items to its segment of the supply system. This
Navy Supply System alone stocks over one million
group of items includes equipment, repair parts, and
items. When requisitioning a specific item from a
consumables. It also includes those items for which
supply activity, you must use the common language
stocking determination, quality control, funding, and
that has been developed to accurately identify the
issue control can be accomplished by the ICP. If
item. This tool is known as the Federal Supply
required, the ICP ensures that these items are available
Catalog System.
from commercial sources and other government
agencies. NAVSUP selects the items assigned to ICP
for inventory management with the advice of the
appropriate bureau, office, or systems command.
L e a r n i n g O b j e c t i ve : I d e n t i f y m a t e r i a l
The Navy retail items are material vested to the
cognizance used throughout Naval Supply
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) for joint military
supply management. Since reorganization of the Fleet
The term m a t e r i a l c og n i z a n c e refers to the
Material Support Office (FMSO) in 1993, NAVCIP
inventory manager and technical advisor of each
-MECH (formerly the Ships Parts Control Center) has
category of material in the supply system. A category
assumed the Navy retail inventory and financial
of Navy material is a major grouping of items for
management responsibility for these items. These
supply management purposes. The list of cognizant
items include components, repair parts, consumables,
symbols can be found in Naval Supply Procedures,
and other material. The requirement determination and
NAVSUP P-485, appendix 9.
procurement of these items can be accomplished by the