Oxidizing materials or flammable liquids and
Contract Truck
CONTRUCK is a commercially operated system.
Materials that are likely to cause fires due to
Its purpose is to provide fast, over-the-road delivery at
friction, absorption of moisture, spontaneous
a reduced cost for less than truck load (LTL)
chemical changes, or as a result of heat retained
transcontinental Navy shipments. CONTRUCK was
from manufacturing or processing.
first established to move LTL shipments between the
east and west coasts. It was expanded to include 5 days
p e r w e e k s e r v i c e b e t w e e n N o r f o l k , Vi rg i n i a ;
Containers previously used for shipping high
Charleston, South Carolina; and Jacksonville, Florida.
explosives, such as dynamite.
CONTRUCK shipments are combined for movement
and distribution at terminals located in Norfolk,
Intoxicating liquors.
Charleston, Jacksonville, and San Diego, Long Beach,
Items subject to damage from freezing and
and Travis Air Force Base (AFB), California.
shipments eligible for CONTRUCK are for items less
permanently magnetic materials with
than 10,000 pounds. Shipments include direct
unconfined fields are not mailable by air
procurement method shipments of personal property
and unaccompanied baggage. Material classified as
Radioactive, combustible, gaseous liquid,
Confidential or pilferable and general commodity
perishable material, and items subject to plant
cargo shipments may use CONTRUCK system.
quarantines are either unmailable or subject to
Shipments not eligible for CONTRUCK are class A
special mailing conditions. Detailed information
and B explosives, material requiring special handling
on these categories may be obtained from local
(such as heater service, electrical connections,
postal authorities.
over 10 feet in length or over 3,000 pounds per piece.
Military Official Mail (MOM)
Shipments by Mail
MOM is a special procedure approved by the
LISPS for providing air transportation of official mail
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) regulation
addressed to or from a military post office. It is handled
governs shipments of all mailable material entered into
as third- or fourth-class mail at a cost cheaper than
the postal system, including surface and air parcel post.
priority mail. Refer to N a v y O f f i c i a l M a i l
Mail is the primary and preferred means of moving
M a n age m e n t I n s t r u c t i o n s , OPNAVINST 5218.7,
material to and from ships. Mailable material includes
for additional details.
official letters or packages that meet USPS standards
MOM is the normal means of mailing official
according to weight, size, and physical dimensions.
parcels that require airlift to overseas destinations not
The various types of special mail services include
included in the domestic postal systems. It is also used
registered mail, certified mail, and insured mail. The
for mailing official parcels that do not meet the criteria
use of special delivery or special handling offered by
for priority or first-class mail. MOM may send mail
the USPS is not authorized for use by the Department
that has a critical date of delivery on a piece-by-piece
of the Navy. All mailable matter in the United States
basis. Under no circumstances may both MOM and
domestic postal system is classified as first, second,
first class be marked on the same package. However,
third, or fourth class mail, and military official mail
markings such as third-class MOM, controlled
(MOM). To determine the class of mail to use for
circulation MOM, and third-class bulk rate MOM are
shipping supply parcels, refer to table 7-1.
authorized if such mailings have a required delivery
Unmailable Material
date and are addressed to an overseas activity.
Unmailable material includes all material that, by
Express Mail Service
law or regulation, is prohibited from being sent
through the USPS. Examples of unmailable matter are
Express Mail Service (EMS) is an overnight
as follows:
service developed by the USPS, and is available
All kinds of poisons, such as caustics, acids, and
between designated post offices in CONUS and to
some points served by international mail. Any