This mission will be carried out by teams of ETC personnel with
the subject matter expertise to train foreign audiences at a
basic to intermediate level. ETC's mission is to provide
training in foreign locations and give local nationals the
expertise to govern and protect themselves and their areas of
responsibility (AOR) from enemies. The training will target
foreign country military, civil, and security personnel.
(3) Equipment:
ETC equipment inventory mirrors MESF.
(4) Training: Language Training, Cultural Competency,
Instructor Training, Advisory Skills Training and other advanced
(5) Manning: ETC is comprised of subject matter related
training teams to support Weapons, Patrol Craft Operations,
VBSS/MIO, ATFP, Maritime Security, Construction/Maintenance and
Leadership/Professional Development.
g. Mission Planning
Begin planning
Complete the plan
Issue the order (implementing the training)
(2) Employ the troop leading steps BAMCIS:
(a) Begin planning
Plan use of available time
2. Begin analyzing the operational mission,
including factors such as:
The mission
Information concerning the enemy
The terrain and weather