(4) Harbor Security Boat Coxswain. Normally in charge
of the security boat and its mission. Responsible for the
overall operation of security boat in situations where a boat
officer is not assigned.
Operate harbor security boat
Conduct suspect vessel pursuits
Maintain threat, warning, and assessment security zones
(5) Harbor Security Boat Crew Member/Gunner. A harbor
security boat crewmember/gunner may be assigned to positions
whose duties include working as a member of a security boat team
or manning a crew-served weapon to provide protective fire
during security boat operations.
Operate small arms and crew-served weapons
Use authorized warning shot tactics
Verify vessel credentials
Identify and track potential waterborne and subsurface
Maintain threat, warning, and assessment security zones
(6) Emergency Dispatcher and Electronic Security Systems
Monitor (May only be applicable on larger platforms). Provide
link between the community and emergency services, provide
information to and dispatch responding services, and monitor
electronic security systems used.
Monitor communication systems