b. Crime Prevention. Program designed to reduce the crimes
against persons and property by prevention through deterrence,
training, and surveys.
4. Training
a. Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW). NLW add more options in the
Use of Force continuum allowing for a less than lethal response
to threats which do not warrant the use of deadly force. NLW
categories include: strikes, holds, takedowns, baton/striking
devices, and Oleoresin Capsicum spray. Use of some NLW may be
limited or restricted overseas in accordance with local Status
of Forces Agreements. The Antiterrorism Training Supervisor
(NEC 9501) (AT TRASUP) is responsible for ensuring all personnel
assigned to Security duties are properly qualified in the use of
NLW by completing the required curriculum.
b. Weapons. Security Forces who regularly perform law
enforcement and security duties shall be armed. No person will
be armed unless currently qualified in the use of assigned
weapons. The Small Arms Marksmanship Instructor (NEC 0812) and
the Crew Served Weapons Instructor (NEC 0814) are responsible
for qualifying personnel on assigned weapons. More information
can be found in Chapter 10, Weapon and Non-Lethal Weapon