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Data Block and Caption
Instructions for Entries
d. Last Physical/Price
Enter date of last inventory.
Line Inventory taken on
Circle either YES or NO as appropriate.
Difference existed
If YES, explain in item 9, Comments.
e. The following unau-
Enter any unauthorized items carried in
thorized stock items
stock. Authorized stock items are listed in
are currently carried in
f. The in-stock position
Enter any emblematic item for which the
of the following emble-
in-stock position exceeds 90 days.
matic items exceeds 90
days anticipated sales:
a. Cash Collection Agent
Circle either YES or NO as appropriate. If
and Cash Register Re-
NO, explain in item 9, Comments.
cord (NAVSUP Form
469) audited at least
twice weekly by the
ships store officer
b. Actual cash register
readings were audited
twice weekly by the
ships store officer and
verified in the Cash
Register Record (NAV-
SUP Form 469)
c. Cash Register Records
(NAVSUP Forms 469)
indicate cash collec-
tions were made daily
and as required by
d. Cash Receipt Books
(NAVSUP Forms 470)
indicate cash was turned
over to the disbursing
officer daily and as re-
quired by NAVSUP
The ships store officers initials will be
recorded in the NAVSUP Form 469 each
time audits are done.
Circle either YES or NO as appropriate. If
NO, explain in item 9, Comments.
Circle either YES or NO as appropriate. If
NO, explain in item 9, Comments.
Circle either YES or NO as appropriate. If
NO, explain in item 9, Comments.