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the military. It is what brings individuals together
as a military team. Thus, a gun crew may be
readily converted into a repair party for carrying
out any essential job within its capabilities, or a
company of midshipmen may be turned into a
fire-fighting organization. A well-disciplined naval
unit responds automatically to an emergency and
is not subject to panic. This is the reward of
discipline to the Navy.
Under the Navys concept, punishment is not
personal, it is not vindictive, nor is it inflicted as
revenge for misconduct. The Navy realizes that
punishment cannot right the wrong resulting from
an act of dereliction. The Navy considers that the
value of punishment lies in the object lesson it
furnishes the wrongdoer and othersthat the
offense must not be repeated. This concept is
referred to as the deterrent theory of punishment.
To accomplish its purpose, punishment must
be consistent, just, and recognized as such by the
recipients and their shipmates. Punishment should
neither be of such a nature that it lowers self-
-esteem nor so severe that it is out of proportion
to the offense.
Recipients of Navy punishment should keep
two facts in mind: First, they received punishment
only as a result of their misbehavior. Second, they
will not receive punishment again if they learn to
conform to Navy standards of conduct.
The administration of punishment is not
personal; therefore, those who administer it
should be shown no malice. They are carrying out
their duties as required by Navy regulations.
No two leaders are exactly alike. They do not
possess the same qualities in equal proportions,
nor do they accomplish their ends in the same
manner. One thing is certain, however. All great
leaders possess certain characteristics and abilities
that they use to the greatest advantage. Some have
turned weaknesses into strengths and, by exercise
of willpower and hard work, risen far above what
normally might have been expected of them.
Every leader will not possess every quality
discussed here, but every good leader will have
a substantial number of them. Moreover, the less
natural ability a leader has, the more important
is the persons need to cultivate the leadership
qualities needed to be effective. All truly great
leaders share one common characteristic: a
personal code of conduct and moral responsibility
that does not permit them to exploit their abilities
and positions to the detriment of their followers.
Most of us understand about written and un-
written laws that guide our actions and define our
duties"thou shalts" and thou shalt nots by
which we must abide. Our government establishes
written laws while the Navy establishes many
written and unwritten laws and prescribes our
duties. If we break these laws or neglect our
authorities may give us suitable
Other laws and other duties have no legal
standing as far as any law-making or law-
enforcing branch of government is concerned.
These are moral laws and duties. Each leader
establishes these based on his or her own
principles. Depending on the character of the
person, they can be extensive and more binding
than any statutory laws, or they can be completely
nonexistent. The leader receives no legal punish-
ment for ignoring these laws and duties, and the
only enforcer is the leaders own conscience.
In various places throughout this text, we
quote rules and regulations, at times explaining
them in more or less detail. Therefore, we assume
the reader, by now, understands what legal
responsibilities are.
But what about moral
responsibilities? The Navy expects its personnel
to demonstrate more than minimum standards of
moral responsibility. It expects commanding
officers and others in authority to set good
examples of virtue, honor, patriotism, and
subordination. It expects them to be vigilant in
inspecting the conduct of persons under their
command and to suppress all dissolute and
immoral practices. It expects those in authority
to take necessary and proper procedures to
promote and safeguard the morale, physical well-
being, and general welfare of persons under their
The history of effective naval leadership
has isolated additional moral principles that
have characterized successful leaders from the
beginning of naval history to our present time.
These principles are loyalty, devotion to duty,
professional knowledge, self-confidence, initiative
and ingenuity, courage, ability to organize and
make decisions, and personal example.
Loyalty means a true, faithful, strong (even
enthusiastic) devotion to ones country. Ordinarily