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The customer doesn’t know what he is talking about. I have more important things to do. Many of the people entering the Navy do not have a  clear  idea  of  what  Navy  life  is  really  like.  Their perceptions  have  been  influenced  by  friends,  parents, movies, books, and TV; a sense of responsibilit y to their country (patriotism); the glamour of the uniform and tradition; the opportunity to travel; and the desire to make it on their own. They have all been screened and generally   are   the   type   of   people   the   Navy wants-intelligent,  healthy,  and  motivated.  In  general, they have a lot to learn and a need for a lot of maturing. Although  their  development  may  require  a  lot  of  hard work,  they  possess  a  high  potential  for  becoming valuable Navy members. They will become members who value their role and status in the Navy and value the contributions they can make to the Navy and their country. If  these  people  are  generally  intelligent  and motivated, then why the attitude change during their first term of enlistment? What happens during the first 4 years to make them count the days until they will get out? Part of the reason is the demands placed on the Navy member. A special person is needed to handle those demands, and the person who is unable to handle them could never be happy making a career of the Navy. Even so, some members have left the Navy who might have stayed in had they not faced frustrations and disappointments  during  their  first  enlistment.  Everyone has inconveniences and disappointments to contend with,  and  everyone  expects  them.  But  what  people  do not expect and should not have to contend with is a lack of  service—service  that  would  enable  them  to  cope  with everyday demands. Better human relations will not eliminate their inconveniences or disappointments, but can prevent the frustrations resulting from inadequate service. The effect of bad service is much more lasting than the momentary anger or disgust felt by the recipients of that  service.  Frustration  and  resentment  resulting  from bad service often develop into a negative attitude toward the Navy. On the other hand, good service builds a good attitude  in  customers.  Good  service  is  an  indication  of capable,  knowledgeable,  and  interested  workers  and  a naval service that cares about its members. Naval personnel have special needs resulting from away of life that is quite different from that of civilians. A civilian may: The Navy member must: seek employment in any occupation; seek employment at any location; negotiate  the  amount  of pay to be received; refuse a job or quit a job if that seems to be the best  career  option; choose the amount, the type,  and  the  location  of training or education best suited  to  his  or  her resources and capabili- ties; work a 40-hour week: lead a normal homelife; accept  a  transfer  only when it is convenient and financially   beneficial serve, not always in the rating  of  choice; serve at any location to which  ordered; manage on the amount of pay prescribed by law; perform  assigned  duties for  the  duration  of  the enlistment; be   willing   to   accept prescribed   training   to meet  the  needs  of  the Navy; routinely   work   days, nights,  weekends,  and holidays; often  experience  long periods  of  separation from  family; often relocates the family at  inconvenient  times- causing  a  financial  loss. For the Navy to fulfill its mission, members often must sacrifice their freedom of choice to meet the needs of  the  Navy.  They  must  depend  upon  the  Navy  to provide  them  with  training  and  achievement opportunities as well as challenging and rewarding work experiences. They must also depend upon the Navy to meet their physical and psychological needs. You will probably administer one or more of the medical,   financial,   educational,   and   recreational benefits and services the Navy provides its members and their dependents. These benefits and services range from  paying  costs  imposed  on  members  because  of transfers  to  providing  opportunities  for  personal improvement that they otherwise might not have. You must value the importance of these services to Navy members and their families. As a member of a service 1-2

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