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Preferred channel to starboard (fig. 5-28)
Color: Green with one broad red horizontal band
Shape (buoys): Can, pillar, or spar
Topmark (when required): Single green can
Light (when fitted):
Color: Green
Phase Characteristics: Composite Group Flashing
(2 + 1)
In buoyage Regions A and B, if marks at the
sides of a channel are numbered or lettered, the
numbering or lettering will follow the
conventional direction of buoyage.
Cardinal Marks
Cardinal marks are used in conjunction with the
compass to indicate the best navigable water. A cardinal
mark is placed in one of the four quadrants (north, east,
south, or west) from the best water. A cardinal mark
Figure 5-28.IALA Maritime Buoyage System, International
Buoyage Region B preferred channel to starboard.
takes its name from the compass point in which it is
placed. Figure 5-29 shows the IALA Maritime Buoyage
System cardinal marks (buoys).
Mariners are safe if they pass north of a north mark,
east of an east mark south of a south mark and west of
a west mark. Acardinal mark may be used to accomplish
the following:
Indicate that the deepest water is an area on the
named side of the mark
Indicate the safe side on which to pass a danger
Draw attention to a feature in a channel, such as
a bend, junction, branch, or end of a shoal
TOPMARK. By day, topmarks are the most
important features of cardinal marks. The arrangement
of the cones must be memorized. For north, the point of
each cone is up. For south, the point of each cone is
down. An aid to help you memorize the west topmark is
its resemblance to a wine glass. Cardinal marks carry
topmarks, whenever practical, with the cones as large as
possible and clearly separated.
COLOR. Black and yellow horizontal bands are
used to color cardinal marks. The position of the black
band, or bands, is related to the points of the black
topmarks. The black and yellow horizontal bands are
used as follows:
NorthBlack band above yellow band
SouthBlack band below yellow band
WestBlack band with yellow bands above and
East-Black band above and below yellow band
The shape of a cardinal mark is not important, but
in the case of a buoy, it will be pillar or spar.
cardinal mark exhibits a white light. The characteristics
are based on a group of quick (Qk) or very quick (Vqk)
flashes that distinguish the light as a cardinal mark and
indicate its quadrant. The distinguishing quick or very
quick flashes are as follows:
NorthVery quick flashing (Vqk) or quick flashing
EastVery quick flashing every 5 seconds (Vqk [3]
5s) or quick flashing every 10 seconds (Qk [3] 10s)
SouthVery quick flashing followed by a long flash
every 10 seconds (Vqk FL [6] + LF1 10s) or quick