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The Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS)
is the most formal advancement system of the armed
services. It is unlike any of the other services. The
majority of Navy advancement opportunities depend
on each members final multiple score in a Navywide
competitive advancement cycle. The final multiple
score measures whether the person as a whole is
qualified for advancement. The score is based on a
combination of the persons performance, experience,
and knowledge.
Persons cannot be advanced to paygrades E-4, E-5,
E-6, or E-7 without taking an advancement
examination, except for those enrolled in special
programs. Petty officer examinations consist of 150
questions. Generally, 135 questions pertain to the
rating and 15 questions pertain to general military
subjects. Candidates for Chief petty officer (E-7) take
t h e e x a m t o b e c o m e S E L E C T I O N B O A R D
ELIGIBILE (SBE). E-7 candidates are designated
SBE if their final multiple score (FMS) is in the top 60
percent for their rating.
Personnel in paygrades E-2, E-3, E-8, and E-9 do
not take Navywide examinations for advancement.
T h e
N a v a l
M i l i t a r y
P e r s o n n e l
M a n u al
(MILPERSMAN) gives commanding officers the
authority to advance qualified enlisted personnel to
E-2 and E-3 without numerical limitations. No exam is
required for advancement to E-2. However,
commands have the option of administering E-3
apprenticeship exams for AN, FN, and SN. E-8 and
E-9 candidates are designated SBE on the basis of their
commanding officers recommendation.
The Naval Education and Training Professional
Development and Technology Center (NETPDTC),
Pensacola, Florida, develops, publishes, and distributes
Navywide advancement-in-rate examinations. Chief
petty officers from each Navy rating at NETPDTC,
develop challenging examinations that afford enlisted
personnel Navywide equal opportunities to compete for
advancement with all others in their respective ratings
and rates. For example, a Boatswains Mate second
class (BM2) serving in the Far East and a BM2 serving
in the Mediterranean will take an identical Boatswains
Mate first class (BM1) advancement examination on
the same day.
Before personnel can take part in a Navywide
competitive examination, appear before any selection
board, or be advanced, the commanding officer must
recommend them for advancement. The educational
services officer (ESO) should ensure personnel are
fully qualified for advancement. ENSURING THAT
every commanding officer.
In this chapter we will discuss the following
information covered under the NEAS:
Definitions used in the Navy Enlisted
Advancement System (NEAS)
Advancement qualification requirements
Special advancement requirements
Factors that determine the final multiple score
for advancement
Advancement requirements for regular
Advancement for early candidates
High-year tenure
Change in rate or rating
Selection board advancement
Command Advancement Program
Accelerated Advancement Program
Advanced Electronics Field, Advanced
Technic al Field, and Nuclear Field Programs
Selective Conversion and Reenlistment
(SCORE) Program
Selective Training and Reenlistment (STAR)
Enlisted-to-officer programs
Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Program