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3-10. Heat stress becomes excessive when the body 1. is unable to adjust to changes in  temperature 2. starts  sweating 3. temperature reaches 99 degrees Fahrenheit 4. is exposed to rising temperature 3-11. Aboard ship, what was the leading cause of heat stress injuries reported  in  1991? 1. Participating in physical fitness training 2. Working in engineering spaces 3. Wearing the fire-fighting ensemble 4. Working in food preparation areas 3-12. A victim having hot, flushed, dry skin and a fast, strong pulse is suffering from what type of heat stress? 1. Heat  cramps 2. Heat  stroke 3. Heat  fatigue 4. Heat  exhaustion 3-13. A victim who has pale and clammy skin; has a fast, weak pulse: and is experiencing profuse sweating is suffering from what type of heat stress? 1. Heat  exhaustion 2. Heat  fatigue 3. Heat  stroke 4. Heat  cramps 3-14. What type of heat stress is a life- threatening medical emergency? 1. Heat  exhaustion 2. Heat fatigue 3. Heat  stroke 4. Heat cramps 3–15. When heat cannot be reduced in the work area, which of the following precautions could prevent a heat- stress injury? 1. Control the conditions that cause  heat  stress 2. Detect the conditions that cause  heat  stress 3. Restrict personnel exposure to the heat 4. Use dry bulb thermometers 3–16. According to the base-line thumb rule, you are required to wear hearing protection when you have to raise your voice when talking to a person at what maximum distance? 1. One  arm  length 2. Two arms length 3. Three arms length 4. Four  arms  length 3–17. Ashore.   after modifications have been made that could affect noise levels  in  noise-hazardous  areas. resurveys are conducted within a minimum of how many days? 1. 10 2. 20 3. 30 4. 40 3-18. When the noise level cannot be maintained below 84 dB by using engineering controls, which of the following types of protection is necessary? 1. Isolate the noisiest equipment 2. Use earplugs or earmuffs 3. Reduce the number of operating personnel 4. Secure the area to personnel 3–19. At what maximum noise level will a worker be required to wear double hearing protection? 1. 90 dB 2. 96 dB 3. 100 dB 4. 104 dB 15

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