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The  following  are  some  qualities  shared  by recruiters with drive and empathy: l They have an interest in people and a genuine desire to help them, beyond getting another mark on the wall. l They are generally able to establish rapport and gain credibility because of their sales ability to relate to people and win their confidence. l They can relate to the prospect’s frame of reference and, therefore, tailor their presentations to reflect the prospect’s needs and interests. l They have a feel for their territory and what will sell there. l They have enough personal motivation so they can work on their own, coping with the strain of monthly goals, being the forgotten sailor, and any perceived neglect up the line. l They enjoy recruiting and the challenge it presents. l They have the motivation to be a good prospector and to make the extra effort necessary to bring in the sale. l They are able to counter objections and any negative public image of the Navy or recruiters in general because of their belief in themselves (both their A Healthy Attitude Toward Failure The very nature of sales prevents us from making every sale. We just don’t win every time. Recruiters must develop a healthy attitude toward failure. Failure in a sales situation should be a learning experience— an opportunity  to  practice  technique  and  perfect performance. Failure can be seen as the negative feedback we need to change course in our direction. Failure is also an opportunity to develop our sense of humor. Crippling Traits The following characteristics were judged by buyers to be bad enough in and of themselves to prevent closing a sale. They are known as the sales cripplers and the public enemies that the supervisor must hunt down and overcome. DISBELIEF.– Disbelief in selling, the product, Navy policy, superiors, or themselves can effectively cripple a recruiter. Signs of disbelief are usually easy to identify. Watch out for the following signs of disbelief and take immediate action to prevent the spread of the crippling disease. l In selling. Recruiters may make statements like “Selling is a game, a racket; selling is a stopgap until a good job comes along; selling is a real tough and miserable occupation.” Their disbelief may, however, be shown in more subtle ways. Watch attitudes and body language that may be telling you the same thing. l In product. Recruiters  who  feel  product knowledge is unimportant are showing disbelief in their product – the Navy. Listen for contemptuous attitudes or references to the Navy. Those who do not personally recommend the Navy are not going to be successful recruiters. l In Navy policy. Occasionally blowing off a little steam is natural; but, when the beefing becomes habitual or excessively derogatory, you must take measures to stop it. You should lead the way in displaying your belief in Navy policies and never allow inaccuracies, griping, or defamation in front of the public. l In superiors.    Making  superiors  out  to  be scapegoats and otherwise showing them contempt erodes the chain of command and morale. Recruiters who do not believe in their superiors often lack the conviction to give the extra effort to attain team goals. Disbelief in superiors also may show itself in more passive ways. Recruiters who have no belief in their superiors often are less confident, afraid to take initiative, and may feel they are not getting the support they need. l In themselves. Recruiters who do not believe in themselves may be recognized by a lack of confidence and assertiveness. They may try to overcompensate for this lack of belief by putting forth the opposite image, appearing  boastful  or  belligerent.  Also  watch  for recruiters who avoid certain buyers. They may be telling you indirectly that they do not feel they have the ability to sell that type of prospect. abilities and their inherent worth) and the Navy. 6-20

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