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for phone rejection. The courtesy statement also
establishes initial rapport with the prospect.
Create Interest
This step immediately uses the initial rapport the
recruiter has established to further show the prospect
why he or she should be interested in meeting with the
recruiter face to face.
Im looking forward to meeting with you personally on
Ask for the Appointment
This step is where we meet the objective of the
phone call. In the previous steps, the recruiter mentions
getting together.
Now, the recruiter continues
immediately by suggesting a couple of alternate times
for the appointment. By offering alternate times or days,
the recruiter has given the prospect two choices, either
of which is acceptable. If asked, Can we set a time to
get together?, the prospect still has two choices. The
difference is that the choice of saying no is not to the
recruiters advantage.
Ensuring the Appointment
To decrease the no-show rate, make the
appointment at a location convenient for the applicant.
The ideal location for the interview is in the Navy
recruiting station (NRS). It is easier for recruiters to
control the interview in their own environment.
Additionally, recruiting aids and evidence are more
readily available. There are times, however, when it will
be more advantageous to set the appointment outside
the office. If transportation is a problem for the
applicant or if the recruiter has already planned to be in
the area, outside appointments may be preferred.
Recruiters should always restate the date, day, time, and
place of the appointment to confirm in the prospects
mind the agreement to meet with them and make sure
the appointment wont be forgotten. There are two
insurance policies that also will help recruiters cut down
on their no-show rates.
REMINDER NOTE. If the appointment is several
days away, write a brief note or postcard.
REMINDER CALL. The evening before the
scheduled appointment, contact the prospect and, using
steps 1 and 2 of the appointment power technique,
explain that your schedule has changed slightly. You
will be a few minutes early or late (whichever you
choose) and you were wondering if that would affect
the prospects schedule. Another idea to use for your
reminder call is to call the prospect ahead of time and
tell him or her that you would like to know where his
or her interests lie before you get together so you can
be sure to have information available. At this point, you
will find out if the prospect is a bona fide appointment
or a scheduled no-show. If it is the latter, determine
why, overcome the objection, and try to reschedule the
appointment. Dont waste gas or your most valuable
asset time by driving or waiting in your office for a
prospect who has no intention of keeping the
Handling Objections
Prospects frequently raise objections to meeting
with recruiters. Make sure your recruiters understand
that this is not a failure on their part to sell the
appointment, but a display of human nature. We have
conditioned ourselves to say no to phone solicitations
and ask Whats the catch? when offered a benefit. As
with phone
rejection, recruiters should expect
objections, so they will be more prepared to deal with
them. A refusal to meet on Tuesday or Wednesday may
not be a turndown. The prospect may simply need a
more desirable day. If the individual is unable to meet
with the recruiter on several alternative dates, chances
are its an excuse not to set an appointment. Find out
what the real objection is and return to the appointment
power script. Make sure you understand what the
prospect is objecting to. Seek referrals even if you
cannot secure an appointment.