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Page Title: Pay Attention to Your People to Pump Up Morale
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THE SCIENTIFIC APPROACH.–  When  solving a  problem  or  choosing  a  course  of  action,  use  the scientific  approach.  Collect  meaningful  data,  identify  the root  causes  of  the  problem,  develop  an  appropriate solution, enact your plan, and make any needed changes. Pay Attention to Your People to Pump Up Morale Morale  is  a  prime  key  to  recruiting  success. Recruiters need to be feeling good about themselves and their organization to sell prospects on the Navy. The best  way  to  enhance  your  team’s  morale  is  to  pay attention to the individuals who make up the team. MAKE THEM FEEL VALUED.–  Recognize the successes of your team members, even the little ones. Let them know you value their contribution to the team. HELP   THEM   DEVELOP   A   SENSE   OF BELONGING.–   Draw   the   quiet   members   into discussions  by  asking  for  their  opinions  and  ideas.  Use language that emphasizes their membership in the team, such as “our zone.” GIVE THEM A CAUSE.– To establish a “cause,” you must build enthusiasm. You can start with a few key players and watch the enthusiasm build until it has an energy of its own. RALLY THE TROOPS AROUND A SPECIAL GOAL. – When the team puts its combined efforts toward a common goal, morale naturally escalates. With few exceptions,  team  members  want  to  see  the  team  be successful and will do more toward that end than they would  on  their  own. FOCUS ON SHORT-TERM GOALS.–  There is a great  benefit  in  seeing  short-term  goals  achieved. Everyone  needs  some  small  successes  to  keep  them motivated for the long term. Setting short-term goals maintains the interim momentum and pumps up the enthusiasm.  Achieving  short-term  goals  helps  to  build the confidence needed to go the long distance. They can also be extremely useful in restoring momentum during those lulls in productivity that may occur. ORGANIZING The recruiting supervisor is responsible for a myriad of duties and must often cover a large geographic area. These  responsibilities  require  a  considerable  amount  of organizational skill. Prioritizing time and delegating some duties are key elements in the art of organization. Prioritizing  Time When  deciding  where  or  with  whom  to  spend valuable  training  time,  remember  that  those  making  the most noise should not necessarily get the most attention. Listen carefully and prioritize based on what you really hear, not how often or how loud you hear it. Avoid getting into the fire-fighting mode. You can become  sidetracked  by  low-priority  issues  and  waste  a lot  of  time  and  energy  with  very  little  payoff. Keep  in  mind  that  the  last  assignment  is  not necessarily  the  most  important.  You  can  easily  become overwhelmed  if  you  get  in  the  habit  of  dropping everything for whatever is the most current problem. You    also    need    to    be    very    clear    when    giving assignments.  Let  others  know  what  priority  the assignment has and when you expect it to be done. Delegating Delegating duties is a necessity in your job as a recruiting supervisor. It will keep you from becoming overcommitted.  Delegation  should  be  a  part  of  your on-the-job training (OJT) program to prepare others for additional responsibility. Delegating duties gives the recruiters  a  sense  of  involvement,  adding  their participation and influence to a bigger picture. Most people will be more committed to carrying out decisions that they helped to make. As with delegating, we can only delegate the duty, not the responsibility. Follow up on  all  delegated  duties,  giving  praise  or  additional training  where  needed. COMMUNICATION SKILLS Without  clear,  concise  communication  skills  our other skills would wilt on the vine. No other skill can be effective  without  it. Elements of Communication The  basic  model  for  communication  includes  a sender  (the  person  giving  the  message),  a  receiver  (the person the message is intended for), and the message itself. If those three elements were all there were to the communication  cycle,  miscommunication  would  not  be a  problem.  However,  standing  between  the  sender  and receiver there can be a host of interceptors that may garble a message. Filters may detract from the original intent of the message. Barriers may block part of the message acceptance. To complete the communication 1-8

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