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The  fastest  method  to  develop  self-confidence  is  to prepare yourself thoroughly. Organize the points you wish to make in logical sequence in your outline. Once you feel secure in your knowledge, you will want to share it. You will find that it increases your interest and fun in all speaking situations. Wanting to say something so your audience gets the point is one of the secrets of delivery. Because of the personality differences of individual speakers  and  audiences,  there  are  no  ironclad  rules  or principles that can be given on the delivery of your presentation.  The  interest  and  understanding  shown  by an  audience  influence  speakers  in  both  what  they  say and how they say it. Speakers must adjust to suit their personality.  Some  pointers  follow. Speaker to Audience Contact Look at your audience. Good eye contact tells you what the reaction (feedback) of the audience is and it creates the impression that you are talking personally to each member of the audience. In addition, it shows confidence in your ability to speak. Deliver your talk as if it were the most important event in your life. Make everyone within the audience understand exactly what you are trying to say. Talk to your listeners as if you expected them to stand up and talk right back to you. Vitality  will  produce  effective  delivery.  There  is  nothing quite so dull as watching speakers who are sluggish and on  the  borderline  of  sleep  while  delivering  their presentation. It is much easier to deliver your points effectively if you are concerned in getting ideas across. Establish  a  sense  of  communication  with  your audience.  Think  of  the  members  of  your  audience,  not yourself, as you talk to them. You should make every effort to express yourself with enthusiasm. Sincerity and interest  in  your  audience  help  with  the  manner  of delivery. Platform  Appearance Movement of a speaker has the effect of attracting the attention of the audience. If the movement is natural and easy it is valuable. Do not distract your audience by too much movement, but do not remain glued to one spot. Refer to figure 6-2. A gesture is the movement of any part of the body to convey some thought or emotion. Gestures should always be purposeful and must be natural and seem to grow  out  of  what  you  are  saying.  Avoid  artificial gestures and mannerisms that do not help or express an idea. Whenever you speak, you and the Navy will be judged by your appearance. Immaculate grooming will give you added confidence in facing your audience and will add emphasis to what you say. Voice Control The quality of your voice has a direct bearing on the effect  you  will  create.  Make  sure  you  are  loud  enough so  that  your  audience  can  hear  you.  Nothing  is  so exasperating as trying to read a speaker’s lips. Volume should be increased so the person in the last row can hear every  word  that  you  speak.  An  expressive  voice  varies the rate of speaking and should be conversational in tone. Also make sure you use language that everyone in the audience can understand. Delivery Rate Some thoughts should be spoken slowly, some with feeling,  and  some  with  excitement.  Above  all,  the delivery  rate  should  be  natural  for  the  idea  expressed and should serve to emphasize important ideas. Also, the choice of words and the manner in which they are used to convey your ideas must not be overlooked. You will never have to contend with the criticism that you have a  dull  or  faltering  voice  if  you  avoid  sounding  wooden and  mechanical  in  delivery. CEREMONIES Ceremonies  are  always  special  occasions  that  serve to recognize individuals at a reenlistment, a transfer to the  Fleet  Reserve  or  Retired  List  or  at  an  awards ceremony.  The  Navy  will  always  have  these  ceremonies because they are part of naval tradition. Ceremonies that are common are mentioned in the following paragraphs. REENLISTMENT CEREMONY Reenlistment is a major event in the career of an enlisted member that must be accorded an appropriate ceremony.  The  CO  or,  if  that  officer  is  absent,  the executive   officer   (XO)   may   preside.   An   enlisted member may ask another officer to preside if he or she wishes. The following procedures are appropriate: Consideration of the member’s desires on the time and location of the ceremony and what family members,  special  guests,  and  shipmates  are  to  be invited, and particular officer to administer the oath. Photographic  coverage  of  the  ceremony  with copies of the prints presented to the member. Forward 6-12

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