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Ships that are deployed overseas should get
their supplies from units of the combat logistics
force (CLF) ships, outlying bases, CONUS dis-
tribution points, or advanced bases. These sources
are normally detailed in the appropriate requisi-
tioning guides mentioned above.
General Services Administration
To prevent loss of demand and inadequate
stock of General Services Administration (GSA)
materials at Navy stock points, ships are not
authorized to use a GSA self-service store or
customer supply center (CSC) as a supply source.
The only exception is for emergency requirements
that cannot be readily obtained from a Navy
supply source. If emergency requirements must
be obtained from a self-service store or CSC, a
DD Form 1155 should be used as the procurement
document. The document will be prepared and
submitted following the Navy Acquisition
Procedures Supplement (NAPS), NAVSO P-3670.
Neither GSA cash cards nor credit cards are
authorized to be used by ships.
Defense Reutilization and
Marketing Service
Excess material that has been turned in to
defense reutilization and marketing offices
(DRMOs) may be drawn by Navy units having
either a specific allowance or a mission require-
ment for such material. Strict controls must exist
for requisitioned material. All screening for
and requisitioning of DRMO material must be
authorized by a supply officer. Excess property
reutilized by requisition from a Navy activity
should be subject to normal custody and inventory
control. If material is to be picked up from a
DRMO, there should be a proper division of
functional responsibilities. For example, the
person picking up the material should not be the
same person accountable for the material. Ad-
ditionally, DRMOs should distribute confirmation
copies of requisitions to your ships accountable
property official. The requisitioning of such
material should only be allowed to meet your
ships needs. This material should not be
redistributed further except by documented
transfer. You must refrain from establishing
separate facilities for excess property.
A SERVMART is a self-service store that is
operated by an ashore supply activity to provide
a ready supply of relatively low-cost items
frequently required by customers in the area.
SERVMARTs also stock certain items of medical
and dental supplies. This material is stored in a
segregated area. The only individuals that can pick
up this material are medical or dental personnel
who are designated by an official letter of
authorization signed by the commanding officer
or a designated representative. All SERVMARTs
issue a SERVMART shopping guide that lists the
cognizance symbol, NSN, noun name, unit of
issue, unit price, and storage location of each item
stocked. The self- service feature of SERVMARTs
and the simplified requisitioning procedures that
will be explained in subsequent paragraphs enable
an ashore supply activity to realize substantial cost
savings. This concept permits customers to obtain
material quickly without preparing and submitting
a separate requisition for each item needed. The
range of material available, ease of acquisition,
and ready convertibility to personal use of such
items requires you to rigorously monitor and
control SERVMART shopping.
A SERVMART Shopping List (SSL), NAV-
SUP Form 1314 (fig. 5-1), is used to list multiple
items intended to be procured from a SERV-
MART. The use of the SSL is required in all
procurement actions from a SERVMART. The
SSL is used to help prepare either the DD Form
1348 or NAVSUP Form 1250-1. These are the
only procurement forms authorized for use at a
When a work center or department wants to
procure electrical or electronic items, you should
caution your shoppers before they purchase these
items. Before you authorize the shoppers to buy
this equipment, you should make them aware of
the limitations in the use of any ungrounded
power supply. When you do authorize the
purchase of these items, the shoppers must present
these items upon return to the ship either to the
electrical or electronic shop for approval and
tagging per existing shipboard electric safety
Use of Electronic Point of Sale II
Equipped Stores
equipped with Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS)
II. One of the by-products of EPOS that is
available upon request is the customer items