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Nonstocked Material
. determine and implement controls needed to
prevent recurrence of significant discrepancies;
Allowed material that is not stocked, but that is
l make sure material is correctly identified,
procured for DTO to using departments, is managed by
properly stored and in apparent good condition, and that
the department heads having custody of the material.
material subject to deterioration or breakage is
The supply officer is required to maintain custody
adequately packaged and preserved;
records for the items designated as controlledeequipage.
You are also required to maintain stock records to gather
l update location and other management data in
usage data for SIM DTO items in nonautomated ships
stock and/or locator records; and
and for all DTO items in automated ships.
Physical inventory is a prerequisite
. provide a basis for adjusting financial balances
in inventory control ledgers, if maintained.
to efficient
Advance preparation is a contributing factor to the
inventory control. The primary objective of a physical
completion of a good inventory. The preparations
inventory is to make sure the inventory balances as
required will depend upon the extent of the inventory
reflected in stock or custody records agree with the
being taken.
actual physical quantities on hand. Other objectives are
It is not feasible to close storerooms for inventory,
but you can reduce transactions in general stores
. determine stock deficiencies that require
storerooms during this period. By notifying other
departments of the dates when certain storerooms or
types of material will be inventoried, they can anticipate
. determine and reconcile all differences between
most of their requirements and draw them before the
physical counts and stock record balances;
inventory starts. Figure 8-3 illustrates a notice of
Figure 8-3.Notice of physical inventory.