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HAZARDOUS  MATERIAL INFORMATION SYSTEM The   HMIS   (DOD   6050.5L   and   LR)   provides information  to  assist  users  who  handle  hazardous materials in the performance of their jobs to minimize the risk. There is a wide range of data in the HMIS related   to   safety,   health,   packaging,   labeling, transportation, and disposal of hazardous materials. HMIS also provides labeling and packing requirments, shipment, storage, and handling safety precautions as well as other characteristics of the items listed. The listing is separated into three sections as follows: Trade  Name/Product  Identity  Cress  Reference Part Number Cross Reference (PN XREF) Specification Number Reference (SPEC XREF) NOTE: The HMIS mentioned above is in microfiche format and consists of two versions, The DOD 6050.5L contains   nonproprietary   information   and   DOD 6050.5LR  contains  both  nonproprietary  and  proprietary information. The HMIS is also produced in Compact Disk  format. AFLOAT SHOPPING GUIDE (ASG) The  Afloat  Shopping  Guide,  (NAVSUP  P-4400)  is designed  to  assist  you  in  identifying  NSN  items  most frequently requested by ships. It includes:   a detailed description of each item, a  specific  code  to  designate  items  carried  by combat  logistics  forces  (CLF)  ships,   the stock numbers of substitute items, if any, and the specifications for illustrations or diagrams of many types of material. Refer to figure 4-9 for a sample page from the ASG. IDENTIFICATION LISTS (ILs) ILs provide descriptive and illustrative data used to identify or select items of supply. Data is provided only for active, descriptive-type items of supply which have at least one recoded user. ILs  are  consolidated  publications  used  by  all services.  Some  NSNs  identified  in  the  ILs  are  not  listed in the ML-N. ILs are published by Federal Supply Class/Federal supply Group. Each contains an introduction and specific instructions  for  its  use. Stock numbers for each IL are assigned by the Navy Publications  and  Forms  Directorate,  Philadelphia  PA, and are included in the NAVSUP P-2002. Each IL consists of at least two microfiche. The first  fiche  contains  the: Catalog Identification frame Instructions for use Introduction Abbreviations Item Name Index The  second  frame  contains  an  NSN  Index  and  the Identification Data consisting of Descriptive Method Items and Illustrations. Each microfiche has an Index frame located in the lower  right  comer  of  the  microfiche  (frame  01  8).  This frame will show the first NSN or Item Name on each frame of the microfiche. For the NSN Index, frame 018 will  show  the  first  NSN  on  each  frame  and  for  the Descriptive Section, the first Item Name. Each  microfiche  is  by  identified  by  a  title  printed across the top of the microfiche that can be used without a reader. Distribution  of  ILs  to  afloat  units,  except  for petroleum, medical, and subsistence items is restricted to  load  carrying  ships  and  aircraft  carriers.  Requests from other ship classes for ILs excluded as above must be  submitted  via  the  appropriate  type  commander  via SPCC. NAVY ITEM CONTROL NUMBER TO NATIONAL  ITEM  IDENTIFICATION NUMBER, (NICN to NIIN) The   NICN   to   NIIN   file   is   designed   as   a cross-reference  to  assist  in  the  identification  of  those NICNs   that   which   have   assigned   NSNs.   This publication  is  distributed  on  microfiche  only  and sequenced by the last nine digits of the NICN as shown in figure 4-10. NICNs are not included in the Navy Management Data  File  (NMDF)  nor  in  the  Management  List-Navy (ML-N). However, a separate history file containing NICN to NIIN cross-reference is maintained at SPCC. 4-13

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