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l Supporting and other pertinent
documents, including those containing
concurrence, nonconcurrence, approval, and
significant comment.
Instructions normally are filed according
to (1) SSIC, (2) consecutive number, and (3)
issuing authority.
Checklists of directives
i s s u e d by
Washington headquarters
organizations are organized in this manner. If
local conditions require, however, directives
may be filed primarily by issuing authority or
by a combination of SSIC and issuing
Alphabetic prefixes (C and S,
indicating security classification) to the subject
designation are disregarded in determining the
numerical filing sequence.
Because of their brief duration, notices
ordinarily need not be filed in the master file.
If they need to be interfiled temporarily with
instructions, the notices should be tabbed so
that each may be easily and promptly
removed as soon as its cancellation date is
Copies may be filed in separate
suspense binders when necessary.
Cross-reference sheets for instructions
permanently or temporarily removed from
your office are interfiled with instructions.
Locator sheets are inserted in normal
sequence, in place of the instructions they
reference. A subject cross-reference sheet is
placed in front of those instructions that carry
the same SSIC.
A second copy of the
cross-reference sheet should be placed in a
suspense file for instructions temporarily
loaned out. An instruction should usually be
returned within 5 days.
When copies of directives are needed to
complete a record or to support or further
document a specific action, they may be filed
in the activitys general subject files, pertinent
case files (such as contract case files), or other
appropriate correspondence files.
Proper notations, such as Ch-1 for change
1, are entered in the upper right margin of the
first page of each directive changed. For
publication-type instructions, notations are
entered on the record-of-changes sheet to
indicate changes received and incorporated.
Required additional or replacement copies
of directives, excluding notices, are
requisitioned from the stocking point shown
on each directive. Washington headquarters
stock directives,
excluding notices, at the Naval Publications
and Forms Center, 5801 Tabor Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA
19120. If available,
N A V S U P F o rm
u s e d f o r
requisitioning copies of directives stocked at
that location. The supply office should have
a supply of these forms.
Each activity maintains the directives it
receives only during the period of their
effectiveness. Cancelled directives, regardless
of classification, are destroyed by recipients
without notification to the originating office.
An activity maintains its official directives
case files for the same period it maintains its
official correspondence files. It disposes of
them in the same manner.
The Directives Issuance System Manual,
SECNAVINST 5215.1, contains complete
directions for the preparation of instructions
and notices. Figures 6-1 through 6-6 present
the standard format for directives and cross-
reference sheets.