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Verification of other items (List)
Step 1. List any other items that need to be verified.
Step 2. Ensure clerks and auditors sign and date PS
Form 3294.
FORM 3294
Submission of each monthly audit is not required,
except for the monthly audit held in the last month of
each calendar quarter. This audit should be submitted
by USPS indicia mail to the PFO or NPFO as
applicable. In the Remarks section of the COPEs
audit or on a separate sheet of paper with the name of
the command and the date of the audit, provide the
following information:
Date of last postal assessment
Postal Officers name, rank, and date of
COPEs name, rank, and date of designation
List all postal clerks assigned and designated on
DD Form 2257. If the clerk has a fixed credit
assigned, indicate the results of all monthly audits
conducted during the quarter; i.e., position, name,
rate, date, credit assigned, stamps/cash on hand,
resulting overage/shortage. If a clerk holds no
fixed credit, list their name, followed by the
phraseHolds no Fixed Credit. Include names
of Non-PC alternates if applicable.
List all stamp requisitions originated during the
Include date dispatched, requisition
serial number, which PFO requisition was sent
to, dollar value, and date received.
Date of COPEs safe combination change.
Audit overages in excess of tolerance (if any).
List check number, if none, omit this paragraph.
When a change of COPE occurs, PS Forms 1590
and 3369 are submitted with a copy of the audit, to the
NPFO or PFO for fixed credit accounts, and to the
appropriate postmaster for flexible credit accounts.
The COPE, postal officer, or MPO supervisor is
required to maintain a PS Form 3368, Stamp Credit
Examination Record, for each postal clerk that
possesses an extended fixed or flexible credit account
(see figure 14-10). Also, one of these forms will be
maintained for the COPEs account. The PS Form
3368 will be maintained on the individual account until
the account is terminated. Each time a fixed or flexible
credit account is audited, the PS Form 3368 will be
updated to record the results of the audit.
Q14-1. What is the best way to determine whether
your MPO is being operated efficiently,
economically, and in compliance with correct
administrative and operational policies?
Audits and inspections are considered as
being management tools. (True/False)
What are the three types of official audits
conducted at military post offices?
What individual is required to inspect your
post office on a weekly basis?
To what two publications should you refer the
auditors to help them become more familiar
with current instructions concerning postal
audits and inspections?
Explain what tolerance level means in
relation to a fixed credit account holder of
Audits of stamp vending machines are
conducted at what time?
What document is used for auditing flexible
credit accounts?
Now turn to appendix 1 to check your answers.
Learning Objective:
Recall the types of
military inspections post offices can expect and
the types of reports required after the
Military postal clerks must never forget that the
post office is part of the command and, as such, the
space is expected to be maintained in accordance with
the policy set forth by individual commanding officers.
A post office, like any other office, cannot operate
smoothly and efficiently unless time is devoted
regularly to maintaining order, neatness, and
cleanliness. To ensure that you do this, the postal
officer is required to inspect your post office each
This inspection includes such areas as the
cleanliness and security of the office, a check of
undeliverable mail on hand, and the number of empty
mailbags on hand.
This is a command function
documented on NAVSUP Form 5119 and no report is