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Skunk ROW me oh bearing wun six fife, range
wun niner ate hundred yards, on course tree
fife six, speed twelve knots. CPA zero ate
tree, ate thousand yards at time ten zero seven.
Bridge, aye.
Forward Lookout CIC. Look for a surface
contact between tree fo-wer fife and zero zero
zero. You should see it very soon; it looks like
a very large contact on radar.
Fwd Lookout:
Look for a surface contact between tree fo-wer
fife and zero zero zero. Forward Lookout, aye.
Bridge CIC.
Request permission to scrub
skunks no VEM ber and OSS cah. They are
off the radar scope.
CIC Bridge. Scrub skunks no VEM ber and
OSS cah.
Scrub skunks no VEM ber and OSS cah. CIC,
aye. Bridge CIC. Request permission to put
a watch on skunks pah PAH and kay BECK;
they are both past CPA and opening.
CIC Bridge. Put a watch on skunks pah PAH
and kay BECK.
Put a watch on skunks pah PAH and
kay BECK. CIC, aye.
Fwd Lookout:
CIC Forward Lookout.
Surface contact
bearing tree fife fife on the horizon. Estimate
target angle zero wun zero. Looks like a very
large container ship.