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the Health Benefits Program, however, is the
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the
Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS). This aspect of
medical care is of particular benefit to eligible
beneficiaries residing in areas where service
medical facilities are unavailable or unable to
accommodate them. CHAMPUS authorizes a
wide range of civilian health care services, with
a significant share of the cost being paid by the
Participation in CHAMPUS by sources of
care is entirely voluntary. Beneficiaries desiring
treatment or hospitalization under CHAMPUS
must locate a participating physician or
another source of health care willing to provide
authorized care to the beneficiary. The source
must be willing, after payment of a stipulated
amount by the beneficiary, to submit a claim to
the proper government fiscal agent for payment
of the remainder of the fee. The source must also
be willing to accept the amount the government
determines to be allowable for the services.
Inherent in CHAMPUS is a reasonable fee
concept, meaning the government will pay only
those charges it determines to be reasonable. If
a fee charged is considered unreasonable, the
difference between the fee for treatment and the
amount paid under CHAMPUS will have to be
paid by the beneficiary. The reasonable fee
concept can be costly if not understood. Some
beneficiaries erroneously think the government
will pay the full charge made by any civilian
source for authorized health care. If treated by
a nonparticipating medical caretaker, the patient
must pay the bill for any extra money charged.
The patient should always ask at the time of the
initial visit whether the physician or hospital
participates in CHAMPUS and will accept (after
the patients contribution) the government fee as
payment in full. Claims submitted to the govern-
ment by participating parties include an agreement
to accept as full payment the amount authorized
as payable under the program.
Except for emergency care, hospitals that
practice discrimination in the admission or
treatment of patients on the basis of race,
color, or national origin may not participate in
CHAMPUS. In other words, the government
wont pay for their services, and beneficiaries
receiving treatment at those institutions will foot
the entire bill.
Dental care is provided to all military person-
nel and in some cases to their dependents as
well. Most dental care for dependents is not
provided by the military. Dental insurance may
be purchased by military personnel for their
dependents through a group policy called Delta
Dental Plan (DDP). DDP is a voluntary program
of preventive services and basic dental care. The
cost of that insurance is presently under $10 per
month and provides coverage for all your
One feature of Navy life a service dependent
will especially appreciate is the privilege of
purchasing food, household goods, and personal
items at a reasonable cost through commissaries
and service exchanges. These government facilities
permit service personnel and their dependents to
purchase basic commodities at fair prices.
In overseas branches of those activities,
personnel and their families may buy foodstuffs
and exchange items that otherwise might not
be available. Many commodities ordinarily
obtainable overseas through other means carry a
much higher price tag. In addition, particularly
for foreign goods or unfamiliar brands, exchanges
and commissaries ensure good quality. Their
buyers are experts; most of us are not. Exchanges
and commissaries base their prices on the same
price scale used by their stateside counterparts.
Elementary and secondary schooling are
available overseas at government expense for
eligible minor dependents of Department of
Defense (military and civilian) personnel. To be
eligible, a dependent must be between the ages of
5 and 20; must be authorized by competent
authority to be in the overseas area; and must be
the unmarried child, stepchild, legally adopted
child, or legal ward of the Department of Defense
(DOD) member stationed overseas.
Schooling may be provided by DOD schools;
tuition-fee schools (schools under local govern-
ment, private, church, or cooperative administra-
tion); and correspondence courses. The type of
schooling provided depends on the number of
eligible dependents in an area and the availability
of private schools that use English as the language
of instruction.
Schools operated by DOD are designed to
meet the special problems created by a change of
duty station in midyear. Teachers for these schools
must meet U.S. qualifications, must be U.S.
citizens, and usually are recruited from the United