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within commuting distance, conflicting
employment, and other factors prevent some
reservists from participating in the Selected
Reserve. Therefore, reservists affected by any of
these factors are assigned to the IRR.
While assigned to the IRR, members can still
participate in the Naval Reserve training program.
Correspondence courses are available to both
officer and enlisted personnel. These reservists
also remain within the Navys mobilization
potential. Additionally, within the limitation of
funds, personnel in the IRR who have maintained
an Active status may participate in 12 to 14 days
of active-duty training annually.
The Standby Reserve consists of reservists who
have transferred from the Ready Reserve after
fulfilling certain requirements established by law.
Ready and Standby status differ mainly in the
degree of liability for recall to active duty.
Standby reservists can be ordered to active duty
without their consent only in the event of war or
an emergency declared by Congress or when
otherwise authorized by law. The Navy cannot
recall a Standby reservist to active duty in-
voluntarily until the Director of the Selective
Service has determined the persons availability
for duty.
The Standby Reserve includes the Standby
Reserve-Active and the Standby Reserve-In-
Standby Reserve-Active
The Standby Reserve-Active consists of
reservists who have completed their active-duty
or Selected Reserve service obligation. They have
requested transfer to the Active status list of the
Standby Reserve. Officers with at least 18 but less
than 20 years satisfactory federal service toward
retired pay for nonregular service can also request
transfer to the Standby Reserve-Active. Addi-
tionally, key federal employees and personnel
expecting to return to the Ready Reserve but
facing temporary personal hardships may request
assignment to the Standby Reserve-Active.
Standby Reserve-Inactive
The Standby Reserve-Inactive (also called the
Inactive Status List or ISL) includes three groups
of reservists who have been screened from the
Ready Reserve. The first consists of those who
did not maintain a satisfactory level of participa-
tion. The second consists of those who allowed
their Ready Reserve agreement to expire while in
this status. The third consists of those who fit into
both the first and second group. While in this
Inactive status, a member may not participate in
training programs, earn retirement points, or be
considered for promotion. Reservists transferred
to the Standby Reserve-Inactive may apply for
reinstatement in the Ready Reserve at any time
within the following 3 years. Those members not
voluntarily returning to a Ready Reserve status
at the end of 3 years are discharged or transferred
to a retired status, as appropriate.
Members on the Inactive Status List may be
called to active duty under the same conditions
as other members of the Standby Reserve.
However, a determination must first be made that
adequate numbers of qualified personnel in an
Active status (Ready and Standby Reserve-Active)
are not available.
The Retired Reserve-Inactive (USNR-RET)
consists of reservists who are drawing retired pay
or are qualified for retired pay upon reaching age
60. It also includes those who are not eligible for
retired pay at any time but desire service or other
requirements for voluntary assignment to the
Retired Reserve in recognition of their contribu-
tion to their country and the United States Navy.
Their liability for Active service is the same as that
for the Standby Reserve.
Selected Reserve units are grouped into three
basic categories, each with its own mission and
mobilization element. These primary categories
are supplemented by other Selected Reserve units
and individuals of the Ready Reserve.
In some instances units of the three primary
categories are unable to fill all authorized
mobilization billets because of a lack of required
skills within their particular geographic locations.
Additional units are organized in these areas when
the necessary skills are available. These additional
units provide a source of Selected reservists for
immediate mobilization to increase the three
primary categories. Upon mobilization, they join
with Selected Reserve units from other locations
at the appropriate mobilization site.
In addition to the units of the Selected
Reserve, volunteer units provide meaningful and