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instruct--by your students. You need to know how the evaluation process works and what the
evaluators will look for during the evaluation.
This knowledge will help you refine your
instructional techniques.
It will also build your confidence because you will know what is
expected of you.
Evaluators use two separate checklists in evaluating instruction. These are the Classroom
Instructor Evaluation Checklist and the Laboratory Instructor Evaluation Checklist.
The Classroom Instructor Evaluation Checklist is divided into four major categories:
n I N T R O D U C T I O N
n P R E S E N T A T I ON
n I N S T R U C T O R - S T U D E N T I N T E R A C T I ON
n S U M M A R Y
The Laboratory Instructor Evaluation Checklist is divided into three major categories:
n I N S T R U C T O R P E R F O R M A N CE
n S T U D E N T P E R F O R M A N CE
n F A C I L I T I ES
NOTE: Evaluators pay close attention to student safety and safe instructional
practices in the laboratory.
Familiarity with classroom evaluation factors will greatly benefit you in presenting your
lessons. The following information presents those factors the evaluator will use to judge your
performance and how you should conduct your instruction to meet that criteria.
The introduction sets the stage for the lesson.
You must present it in an interesting and
motivating manner to prepare the students to learn. The following information provides the
Factors used in the evaluation of your introduction: