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T h e f i r s t
s t e p i n
g o o d
questioning techniques is to state
the question.
Since the intent of
questioning is to provoke thought,
ask the question before calling on a
person to answer. That encourages
e a c h m e m b e r o f t h e c l a s s to
formulate an answer.
instructors make the mistake of
calling on a student before stating
the question.
That allows the rest
of the students to relax and not
formulate an answer. When you
state the question first and then
pause for a few seconds, everyone
will begin actively thinking of an
This thinking process
enables students who you do not
select to answer the question time to
think so that they may add to the
I d e n t i f y i n g t he
r e s p o n d e n t b e f o r e a s k i n g t he
Figure 5-3.-Five step questioning technique.
question may startle and fluster some students so much that they may not be able to respond,
even if they know the answer. State the question clearly, giving one central thought, by placing
the interrogative word at the beginning of the statement to alert students that a question is
coming. Do not repeat the question or change the wording of the question unless necessary.
After asking a question, pause to allow the students time to think through their answers.
Vary the duration of the pause depending on the difficulty of the question and the level of the
students. Most instructors fail to pause long enough after asking their questions. Calling on
a student too quickly is as detrimental as calling on the student before asking the question.
After pausing for a reasonable time, call on a student by name to answer the question. That
satisfies a basic student need for recognition.
If students feel you recognize their individual
efforts, they will put forth greater effort. When selecting a person to respond, consider both the
difficulty of the question and the individual abilities of students. Consistently assigning a
difficulty question to a slower learner will remotivate that student. Spread the questions around
without establishing a predictable pattern. A predictable pattern includes calling on students
either in alphabetical or seating order or calling upon a select few whose names you know.
Scattering questions also prevents mental loafing. Faster learners will dominate the class if you
do not control student participation.
Achieve a balance between calling on volunteer
respondents and nonvolunteers. Allow only one student to answer at a time, but encourage all
students to participate and volunteer answers. Although you may not call upon every student,
let students know you
The next step is to
expect them to take an active part.
comment on the given answer or acknowledge the response. That