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put into your own words the information that will help you present the lesson.
n Update personalization as necessary.
Review your lesson plan personalization for
completeness and accuracy each time you teach.
The lesson plan provides you with the necessary support to effectively teach all required
In addition to the lesson plan, use instruction sheets to provide students with information or
directions they need to complete a particular course of study. You can use them to convey to
students certain detailed information, instructions for a task, or a learning activity they must
undertake. You may use six types of instruction sheets: assignment, diagram, information, job,
problem, and outline. When a course requires a large number of instruction sheets, they are
normally combined into a document known as a trainee guide.
Assignment sheets (fig. 9-1) are designed to direct the study or homework efforts of a student.
Assignment sheets simplify the students search for relevant data and direct their efforts to the
proper source. The sheets may direct students to information contained in various manuals;
reference documents; or, in some cases, other instruction sheets. Each assignment sheet is
divided into four sections: the introduction, the topic learning objectives, the study assignment,
and the study questions.
The introduction provides information on the purpose of the topic,
Topic Learning Objectives
The assignment sheet lists the topic learning objectives, which are identical to the objectives
in the applicable lesson plan.
Study Assignment
The study assignment tells the students what they must do to complete the assignment. If the
assignment requires students to read the reference material, it identifies the paragraph, page,
figure, and diagram numbers. If it requires some other activity, it gives students directions for
completing the activity.
Study Questions
Study questions help students comprehend their assignment and check their ability to apply
the information.