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EXAMPLE: During the system verification test, what supplies voltages for
TVC position sensor tracking?
(a) Minus 20 VDC precision power supply.
(b) Self-test DC reference power supply.
(c) TVC position sensor AC/DC converter.
(d) Missile command module.
Except Format. Use the except format when three or more equally correct alternatives answer
the question. This format requires students to recognize which alternatives are correct and to
select the one that is incorrect. Always capitalize or underline the word “EXCEPT” in the stem.
Use the “EXCEPT” format sparingly.
EXAMPLE: A specific torquing pattern and associated torque values can be
found in the SINS technical manual for all of the following
assemblies or components EXCEPT
(a) An azimuth synchro assembly mounted to the stem.
(b) A velocity meter mounted to the platform.
(c) A replacement gyroscope mounted to the stable platform.
(d) A platform stem mounted to the bedplate.
There are several common errors that you need to avoid when developing multiple-choice test
items. Listed below are four examples of common errors:
Do NOT use similar wording in both the stem and ONLY the correct alternative. It
suggests the correct answer.
Example of an inappropriate test item: (error underlined):
What is the purpose of the MARDAN maintenance test set?
(a) Monitors the C.P. operations.
(b) Furnishes power to MARDAN.
(c) Functions as a running time meter.
(d) Provides static testing of M A R D A N .
Do NOT state the correct alternative in greater detail than the other alternatives. This
practice often cues the correct answer.