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Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able
to do the following:
Discuss your personal inventory when providing customer service to Navy
Discuss the personal inventory examples in this chapter.
Discuss the role of the customer and the effectiveness of your performance.
Identify the role of the contact point representative.
Chapter 1 addressed the need for contact point
representatives to improve their face-to-face skills. In
this chapter, we will begin breaking down the overall
problem involved in face-to-face contact. We will use
two methods in doing that:
First, this chapter contains a list of the abilities
and traits a contact point representative should have.
We will ask you to compare your own abilities and
traits with those listed.
Second, this chapter provides examples of
incidents that could occur at various contact points.
We will ask you to evaluate the performance of the
contact point representatives in each example.
Much has been written and said about the can do
spirit of our country. We often see this spirit when the
people of this country respond promptly to some great
challenge. Our people claim to have the ability, or the
know how, to deal with the most challenging obstacle.
If that claim is true, then we have no excuse for failing
to respond promptly to routine tasks as well. Although
routine tasks do not motivate us to respond as we would
to some challenging obstacle, our responses to both may
be equally important.
A will do spirit of determination needs to
accompany our can do spirit. When a customer with
a problem asks, Can you help me? your reply should
be, Yes, I can. To this reply, you should respond with
action and an attitude that say, and I will.
Make a personal inventory of yourself as a contact
point representative by studying the following checklist
of the abilities and traits you should have. The intent of
the checklist is to help you learn which abilities and traits
you have and which ones you need to develop or to
improve upon.
Read the items carefully; then decide which item in
each column best describes the ability or trait you have.
Do you rate good, poor, or somewhere in between?
Being objective in rating yourself isnt easy, but the
checklist can help you identify traits and abilities on
which you need to concentrate.