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customer rejects your offer of friendliness, it is the
customer’s loss—not yours. Friendliness is not a
commodity that will experience extinction, so share it
Hostility and anxiety reduce the customer’s ability
to see a problem fully, to express it correctly, and to
accept the solution objectively. If you respond in kind,
you reduce your ability to deal with the problem.
When the customer is emotionally upset, you must
deal with two problems—the emotion and the need that
aroused the emotion. Nothing can be gained by
responding in kind to the customer’s mood. In fact, such
a response will probably make matters worse. Instead,
try to calm the customer by being calm yourself. Show
by your actions that you are ready, willing, and able to
handle the problem.
The emphasis on being friendly to the customer is a
means to an end; not an end in itself. Your purpose in
manning the contact point is to provide a service. You
do not have a choice of providing either the friendly
atmosphere or the service—you must provide both.
A friendly, helpful atmosphere at the contact point
puts the customer at ease. A customer that is at ease can
relate the problem more accurately; that, in turn, enables
you to take constructive action to correct the problem.
However, some contact point representatives think their
job is to keep customers smiling and get rid of them; that
is, to give them the amiable runaround. True, the
customer goes away happy; but at some later time, that
customer returns in a not-so-happy mood because the
problem was not resolved.
A considerable amount of time and effort is required
to deal with some problems or needs. In such instances,
some contact point representatives try to make their job
easier by convincing the customer that no action is
needed in their particular case. This response denies
service to the customer. If a customer requests service
to which he or she is entitled, you have the responsibility
to provide it. “It’s all taken care of,” tells the customer
that you have taken all necessary action. That is a good
response if you have truly taken that action; if not, you
have performed a disservice—not a service.
You have probably met a contact point
representative who agreed with every statement you
made, sympathized with you, promised everything you
wanted, but DID NOTHING. This type of service is
similar to the amiable runaround. It is a method used to
“keep ’em smiling.”
This type of service sometimes develops as the
result of a “short-timer” attitude. In other words, some
people who know they will soon transfer or retire
become lax in performing their duties. They say to
themselves: Sure, I’ll promise you whatever you want
to get rid of you; after all, I’ll be long gone when you
return to find out why nothing has been done. Promising
anything may leave the customer temporarily satisfied,
but you have only postponed, and possibly complicated,
the problem.
Many times customers hear only what they want to
hear. That causes them to hope or expect for results
based on rumor, misunderstanding, or misinterpretation
of fact. The way a customer asks a question usually tells
you what the customer wants to hear. You have three
choices in the way you answer customer’s questions:
1. You can give the answer the customer wants to
hear, although you know it is not completely accurate.
That almost certainly guarantees disappointment to the
customer later.
2. You can make vague statements and let the
customer interpret them as he or she likes. That lets you
off the hook because you really didn’t give the customer
wrong information.
3. You can give the customer the CORRECT
information or interpretation. That may cause some
grumbling, but the customer will not be depending upon
hopeless expectations.
Offering anything less than the best information is
unfair to the customer. A half-truth may be just as
misleading and damaging as an outright lie. Future plans
may be based on your “bum dope”; the morale, as well
as the finances, of the customer could suffer because of
The friendly attitude of a contact point repre-
sentative who gives this type of service is simply a
cover-up for an attitude of unconcern.
When providing service to customers, you may be
tempted to overstep your bounds. That is, you may
sometimes feel like criticizing coworkers, policies,
procedures, or instructions or joining in customer
complaints. Resisting these temptations, however, can
often lead to positive results.