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Page Title: Assignment 1: 22 - 30
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1-22. Which of the following individuals is eligible to be appointed as a collection agent? 1. An imprest fund cashier 2. A GS-3 working in the fiscal section 3. A DK2 working in the travel section 4. A PN3 working in the personnel office 1-23. Which of the following is NOT an authorized purpose for the appointment of a paying agent? 1. To make specific payments 2. To receive collections 3. To make currency conversions 4. To cash checks 1-24. A disbursing officer designated as the reserve custodian for money orders will issue money orders to the money order clerk according to which of the following rules? 1. Issue a sufficient quantity for the  month  with  any  excess returned at the end of the month 2. Issue a sufficient quantity for 2 weeks with any excess returned at the end of the period 3. Issue a sufficient quantity for 1 day with any excess returned at the end of the day 4. Issue a sufficient quantity for 1 week with any excess returned at the end of the week 1-25. If the amount of money from the daily sale of money orders is less than  $100,   which of the following rules  will  apply? 1. The money order clerk will hold the money until it exceeds $100 2. An exchange-for-cash remittance check must be issued 3. The money must be accepted as a safekeeping   deposit 4. The money may be accepted as a safekeeping deposit or an exchange-for-cash remittance check may be issued based on convenience 1-26. When the disbursing officer maintains  the  postage  stamp  fund, which  of  the  following  rules  will apply? 1. The fund will be maintained as a  separate  safekeeping  deposit 2. The fund may be commingled with money or funds in safekeeping 3. The fund may be commningled with any  other  safekeeping  deposit 4. All of the above 1-27. The  specimen  signature  on  a Signature  Card,  TFS  Form  5583  must be certified by which of the following   individuals? 1. The commanding officer 2. The  disbursing  officer 3. Any commissioned officer 4. Any  officer  whose  signature  has already been recorded with DFAS-CL 1-28. Which of the following individuals would  NOT  be  eligible  for appointment to the cash verification  board? 1. YN3 2. CWO-2 3. GS-9 4. SKCM 1-29. To attest to the fact that a verification was held, the cash verification board must make an entry on the face of which of the following  documents? 1. Most  recent  Statement  of Accountability,  SF  1219 2. The  Daily  Statement  of Accountability,  DD  2657 3. The  Transmittal  of  Statements and Vouchers, DD 2666 4. The  Daily  Agent  Accountability, DD 2665 1-30. The  cash  verification  board  must verify cash and safekeeping deposits  at  least  how  often? 1. Monthly 2. Bimonthly 3. Quarterly 4. Semiannually 3

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