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Page Title: Assignment 1: 41 - 49
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1-41. When, if ever, can an overage of funds be used to offset a shortage of  funds? 1. When they occur in the same week 2. When there is an obvious relationship 3. When the amount is less than $25 4. Never 1-42. Generally,  a  request  for  relief  of liability  for  other  than  minor physical  losses  should  be  submitted within  what  maximum  number  of  days following  the  loss? 1. 15 2. 30 3. 45 4. 60 1-43. When an irregularity occurs in a disbursing  officer’s  account,  there is a presumption of fault or negligence on the part of the accountable   individual. 1. True 2. False 1-44. Which of the following documentation  is  NOT  required  to  be included in a request for relief of liability  for  a  major  physical  loss of  funds? 1. A statement of involvement in any  prior  irregularities 2. A statement of how the loss is being  carried  in  the  disbursing officer’s   account 3. A copy of the individual’s appointment letter 4. A copy of the appropriate standard  operating  procedures or a statement of the utilized procedures 1-45. The request for relief from liability for a major physical loss will be forwarded through the chain of command to which of the following  officials  or  agencies? 1. DFAS-CL 2. DFAS-HQ 3. GAO 4. SECDEF 1-46. The request for relief from liability for an illegal, incorrect,  or  improper  payment  will be forwarded through the chain of comanD to which of the following officials  or  agencies? 1. DFAS-CL 2. DFAS-HQ 3. GAO 4. SECDEF 1-47. An incorrect payment resulting in 1-48. 1-49 an overpayment in the amount of $500 has occurred because of a clerical error in the check issue process. Which of the following officials or agencies has the final authority to grant relief of liability  in  this  case? 1. SECDEF 2. DFAS-HQ 3. DFAS-CL 4. Commanding   officer If relief of liability is denied, the  procedures  for  effecting, processing, and accounting for the collection are prescribed by which of  the  following  manuals? 1. DFAS  P/PPM,  volume  2 2. SDSPROMAN,  volume  II 3. DODFMR, volume 7A 4. DODFMR,  volume  5 When a disbursing officer is incapacitated, the commanding officer may authorize the deputy to continue to disburse the accounts under the name of the disbursing officer. For What maximum period of time can the deputy act in this capacity? 1. Through the last day of the month in which the absence began 2. Through the last day of the month following the month of absence 3. Through the last day of the second month following the month of absence 4. Through the last day of the third month following the month of  absence 5

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