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Page Title: Assignment 4: 29 - 39
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4-29. 4-30. 4-31. 4-32. 4-33. 4-34. Which of the following items appears on the SF 215 used to deposit a check payable in foreign currency? 1. Name of the bank on which the check  is  drawn 2. The foreign currency amount 3. The date of the check 4. All of the above Which of the following blocks are left blank on an SF 215 submitted for the deposit to the Treasury of a check payable in foreign currency? 1. Date Prepared 2. Date Presented or Mailed 3. Amount 4. Both 2 and 3 above The accounting data necessary to charge payments made on public vouchers can be found in which of the 1. 2. 3. 4. following  manuals? NAVCOMPT Manual, volume 2 NAVCOMPT Manual, volume 4 DODFMR,  volume  5 DODFMR, Volume 7A Which of the following officials provides approval for forms used in the  payment  of  public  vouchers? 1. Director, General Accounting Office 2. Comptroller General of the U.S. 3. Comptroller of the Navy 4. Treasurer of the U.S. The  responsibility  for  the  payment of  public  vouchers  rests  with  whom? 1. The preparing officer only 2. The disbursing officer only 3. Both the preparing officer and disbursing   officer 4. The commanding officer The contents of vouchers and the required supporting documents may vary slightly depending on the type of action or form used. 1. True 2. False 4-35. 4-36. 4-37. 4-38. 4-39. When properly prepared, attested, - and  accompanied  by  the  required supporting  documents,  a  public voucher  constitutes  authority  for  a disbursing officer to make which of the  following  payments? 1. Partial 2. Complete 3. Progress 4. All of the above If payment of dealer’s bills for foreign vendors cannot be made before a ship leaves port, which of the  following  arrangements  should be made? 1. Have them mailed to the ship for payment 2. Have them mailed to the designated  FIPC  for  the  ship 3. Have them paid by a local activity 4. Each of the above Essential  supporting  documents  that are  classified  cannot  be  attached to the original voucher. Which of the following items is NOT annotated  on  the  supporting documents  before  filing? 1. The name of the paying disbursing  officer 2. The  voucher  number 3. The  disbursing  office  symbol number 4. The date of payment Which of the following DD forms is used to control the assignment of voucher  numbers? 1. 2657 2. 2659 3. 2665 4. 2667 To  prevent  duplicate  payments  when a suspected duplicate is detected, the  preparing  officer  should  check at of 1. 2. 3. 4. least  how-many data files? - 6 12 18 24 preceding  months 26

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