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Page Title: Assignment 5: 10 - 22
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6-10. 6-11. 6-12. 6-13. 6-14. 6-15. 6-16. The rental ceiling for a member without dependents that is not classified as a sharer will be what Percentage of the amount for a member with dependents? 1. 50 2. 65 3. 75 4. 100 When a member is not entitled the full utility/recurring maintenance allowance because of the utilities are included to some in the rental amount, what happens to the amount to which the member is not  entitled? 1. It is lost 2. It  is  deducted 3. It is added to 4. It is added to ceiling There are how many 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four from the BAQ the MIHA the rental types of MIHA? All members entitled to OHA will receive  MIHA/Rent. 1. True 2. False Which of the following items is NOT allowable  in  the  computation  of MIHA/Security payable? 1. Security  guards 2. Alarm systems 3. Security  doors 4. Lighting A homeowner is NOT eligible for which of the following types of MIHA? 1. Rent 2. Security 3. Miscellaneous 4. Habitable   expenditures Which of the following moves would make a member eligible for MIHA? 1. From one residence to another when the move is not government funded 2. From one residence to another because of security problems 3. From a rental property to a home that was purchased 4. From one residence to another based on PCS between duty 6-17. 6-18. 6-19. 6-20. 6-21. 6-22. An advance payment of OHA is normally not paid more than how many days before the date payment must be made under the rental agreement? 1. 3 working days 2. 3 calendar days 3. 5 working days 4. 5 calendar days Advance OHA must be requested no later than how many days after the member  signs  the  rental  agreement or  incurs  initial  expenses  incident to  occupying  the  residence? 1. 30 2. 60 3. 90 4. 120 The amount of advance OHA will normally not exceed the amount of allowances  expected  to  be  earned during  what  period? 1. 12 months 2. 6 months 3. 3 months 4. The entire tour of duty at that station Repayment  of  advance  OHA  will normally be made over a period of how  many  months? 1. 6 2. 12 3. 24 4. 36 The beginning of the repayment of advance OHA may be postponed for a maximum  of  how  many  months? 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 A COLA index of 150 means that prices  are  what  percentage  more expensive  overall  than  in  CONUS? 1. 150 2. 50 3. 15 4. 5 stations  in  the  same  area 37

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