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Page Title: Conditions for Issues of Recertified Checks
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Conditions  for  Issues  of  Recertified  Checks A DO’s decision to issue a recertified check as a replacement  for  an  unavailable  check  must  be  based  on the facts available in each case. As is the case with all other  check  issues  and  disbursements,  the  DO  will  be held personally and pecuniarily liable for all illegal, erroneous,  or  improper  disbursements  of  public  funds by recertified check. As long as the risk of loss from overpayment  is  low,  however,  the  DO  is  normally authorized to provide replacement of an unavailable check to the payee immediately after preparing the SF 1184. REQUIREMENTS  FOR  ISSUING RECERTIFIED  CHECKS Under  all  conditions,  the  DO  must  receive  a statement in writing from the payee before issuing a recertified check. In fact, this statement is required so that the DO can substantiate the necessity for issuing a recertified  check. Statement of Claimant Requesting Recertified  Check A   completed   DD   Form   2660,   Statement   of Claimant  Requesting  Recertified  Check,  is  the preferred   form   for   the   payee’s   required   written statement. However, a DO is authorized to accept a signed letter from the payee in lieu of the DD 2660. An example of a DD 2660 is shown in figure 4-6. Notice the certification statement above the payee’s signature line. If the claimant should try to negotiate both checks, the government could use the certification statement on the DD 2660 to establish fraudulent intent on the part of the payee. As previously stated, the DO’s decision to issue a recertified check will be based on the facts available in each case. Timing Requirements and Other Conditions for Issues of Recertified Checks Timing requirements for issuing recertified checks will  vary  depending  upon  the  circumstances. Generally,  DOs  are  encouraged  to  delay  issuing recertified  checks  until  the  U.  S.  Treasury  has  provided a status on unavailable check cancellations, Certain  delays,  however,  can  result  in  undue hardship. The DOD is aware of how these delays can affect the personal financial affairs of both military and civilian employees as well as the relationships between the DOD and private industry and business. Other intangible  benefits  to  the  DOD  could  be  compromised or  lost  as  a  result  of  delayed  payments.  For  these reasons, recertified checks may be issued immediately to some payees under certain conditions. IMMEDIATE ISSUES.— DOs  may  immediately issue recertified checks to replace undelivered, lost, stolen,  mutilated,  or  destroyed  original  checks  issued by their symbol for the types of payees in the following circumstances: Military and civilian personnel for payment of pay  and  allowances  (Exceptions:  Payees  who  have previously   negotiated   both   the   original   and  the recertified check issued to replace the original are  not eligible  for  immediate  issuance  of  a  recertified  check. Banks,  credit  unions,  and  other  financial institutions, unless the DO determines it to be in the best interest of the DOD to obtain Treasury status before issuing a recertified check Agencies of the U.S. Government Foreign   governments   (Exceptions:   Where doubt exists as to the status of a foreign payee, the DO must treat payment as a foreign business and issue a recertification  check  only  after  receipt  of  Treasury status.) Vendors  and  contractors  (Exceptions:  When  the DO determines it to be in the best interests of the DOD to  obtain  Treasury  status  before  issuing  a  recertified check.) Any payee upon the DO’s determination that such  payment  is  necessary Any payment made under protest Any  composite  or  consolidated  check  regardless of the amount NOTE:  Notice   how   the   exceptions   to   these categories rely not only on the guidelines and laws, but also on the judgment of the DO. ISSUES  DEPENDING  UPON  RECEIPT  OF U.S. TREASURY STATUS.— Some classes of payees are not  eligible  for  immediate  payment  replacement  by recertified  check.  For  example,  the  payees  involved  in the conditions described in the following categories will receive  recertified  checks  only  when  the  Treasury  has reported the original checks as “outstanding”: Foreign businesses and contractors where check payments  were  made  to  addresses  or  financial institutions  outside  the  United  States 4-15

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