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from  the  PDS  outside  CONUS  in  connection  with  the change-of-tour   status. EARLY  RETURN  OF  DEPENDENTS.—  In most instances, a member is entitled to DLA for the early  return  of  dependents  from  an  overseas  duty station.  Some  of  the  more  common  reasons  are  as follows: A dependent becomes involved in an incident that  is  embarrassing  to  the  U.S.  Government  or  is prejudicial  to  order,  morale,  and  discipline  in  the command. Adequate  medical  treatment  is  not  available  at the PDS or in the theater of assignment. When lack of adequate educational facilities or housing for dependents is caused by conditions beyond the   member’s   control   and   knowledge   of   those conditions arose after the dependents began to travel to the member’s overseas PDS. When it is determined that the best interests of the member or the dependents and the government will   be   served   for   compelling   personal   reasons. Such  reasons  include  financial  difficulties,  marital difficulties,   unforeseen   family   problems,   and death or serious illness of close relatives. They can also  include  situations  of  a  humanitarian  or compassionate  nature  and  situations  that  have  an adverse  effect  on  the  member’s  performance  of duty. As a result of disciplinary action taken against the  member  resulting  in  confinement  or  transfer. A member is entitled to DLA when one or more dependents arrive at the location of the permanent residence or the day all dependents have departed the member’s overseas station, whichever is later. Special  Categories  Where  Dislocation Allowance Is Not Authorized No  DLA  entitlement  accrues  to  a  member  in connection  with  PCS  travel  performed  as  follows: From  home  or  place  from  which  called  (or ordered) to active duty to first PDS From last duty station to home or place from which   called   (or   ordered)   to   active   duty   upon separation, release from active duty, placement on the temporary   disability   retired   list   (TDRL),   or retirement From last duty station in one period of service to first PDS in new period of service when no PCS was ordered  between  those  stations ENTITLEMENT FOR A MEMBER MARRIED TO ANOTHER MEMBER The entitlement to DLA for a member married to another member can fall into many different categories. Each member can be with or without dependents, and many  situations  can  arise  concerning  the  time  of movement and the quarters at the old and new PDSs. Table  3-1  is  used  for  determination  of  DLA  entitlement for a member married to a member. ACTIVE DUTY FOR TRAINING TRAVEL Active duty for training (ACDUTRA) travel refers to reservists who are called (or ordered) to active duty with pay and subsequently return to their home or place from which they were called to active duty. Before discussing reservists, we need to define two terms: active duty for training and annual  training  duty. ACTIVE DUTY FOR TRAINING VERSUS ANNUAL TRAINING DUTY Active duty for training (ACDUTRA) is full-time training  duty  in  the  active  military  service  for  the express purpose of training members of the Ready Reserve to acquire or maintain required skills. This training  includes  initial  basic  training,  advanced individual  training,  annual  training  duty,  and  full-time attendance  at  service  schools  so  designated  by  law  or SECNAV. Annual training duty is the tour of active duty for training, not to exceed 30 days during each calendar year, required to be performed by members of the Ready Reserve in an active-duty status. Upon receiving a set of Reserve orders for payment, you must first determine whether the member is on active duty with or without pay. If the member is on active duty with pay, you must determine whether the period of active duty is less than 30 days or 30 days or more. This will determine the procedures you must follow for proper payment, as indicated in the following paragraphs. 3-5

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