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Page Title: Special Travel Categories Involving Authorized Allowances
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ACDUTRA FOR LESS THAN 30 DAYS Reservists are entitled to the same per diem and travel  allowances  as  regular  active-duty  members  for ordered  travel.  There  are,  however,  some  differences  in the forms that are used. Forms The orders for reservists on ACDUTRA for less than  30  days  are  on  ACDUTRA  Orders  (CHNAVRES Form 157 1/5). The payment for travel allowances can be  made  on  either  of  two  forms,  depending  on  the circumstances as explained in the following paragraphs. ACDUTRA PAY VOUCHER.—  The  ACDUTRA Pay  Voucher,  NAVCOMPT  Form  2120,  which  is  used to pay the regular pay and allowances, includes an area for  computation  and  payment  of  travel  allowances  as well.  This  area  reduces  the  number  of  different  forms that  must  be  processed.  When  the  NAVCOMPT  2120 is used, no endorsement on the orders is required. On the other hand, the use of the NAVCOMPT 2120 has some limitations. When the traveler has received a travel advance, the NAVCOMPT 2120 cannot be used. Also, the limited space on the NAVCOMPT 2120 may not be adequate for the itinerary. Disbursing offices may  find  the  Microcomputer  Claims  Processing  System (MCPS) to be a more convenient method for processing claims than use of the NAVCOMPT 2120. TRAVEL  VOUCHER  OR  SUBVOUCHER.— When the NAVCOMPT Form 2120 is inadequate or the DO  prefers  not  to  use  it,  a  Travel  Voucher  or Subvoucher,   DD   Form   1351-2,   may   be   used   for payment of a reservist’s claim. The DD Form 1351-2 must  be  used  when  a  travel  advance  was  paid.  When payment is made on the DD Form 1351-2, the original orders  must  be  endorsed. Payment  Procedures Payment  is  normally ACDUTRA for all travel. made  on  the  last  day  of This includes the travel to the duty station, any per diem earned during the training duty, and return instructive travel back to the place from which the member was ordered to duty. FORMS.— When payment for travel is made on the NAVCOMPT Form 2120, no endorsement on the orders is required. When payment is made on the DD Form  1351-2,  the  original  orders  must  be  endorsed  to show the date and amount paid, the voucher number, and  the  disbursing  symbol  number. MISCELLANEOUS    EXPENSES.—   I f miscellaneous  reimbursable  expenses  will  be  claimed on the return travel, the member will be furnished a supplemental  claim  form  and  a  preaddressed  envelope. Miscellaneous expenses may not be paid in advance. The  supplemental  claim  may  be  processed  by  the disbursing  office  making  the  original  payment  or  the disbursing office servicing the member’s Reserve unit. ACDUTRA FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE When ACDUTRA is for 30 days or more, the DD Form 1351-2 is used for all travel claims at the time of payment. After arrival at the training duty point, the member will file a claim for the travel from the place that ordered the training duty to the training duty point. A separate claim for the return travel will be filed by the member and paid by the DO on the last day of training duty. SPECIAL  TRAVEL  CATEGORIES INVOLVING AUTHORIZED ALLOWANCES The   entitlements   and   procedures   for   special categories  of  travel  in  which  travel  allowances  maybe payable by the government can be found in both the JFTR and NTI. As a senior DK, you will encounter some  of  these  categories  more  frequently  than  others. This  section,  which  is  intended  merely  to  give  you  an overview  of  some  of  these  categories,  includes examples   of   some   common   and   not   so   common circumstances in which members may be authorized special travel allowances. Always refer to the  JFTR and NTI  for   official   guidance   on   authorized   travel allowances whenever you encounter cases and process claims  involving  special  travel  categories. CONSECUTIVE  OVERSEAS  TOURS A special travel category that is a fairly common occurrence is when a member who is stationed outside CONUS is ordered to a consecutive tour at the same PDS  or  to  another  PDS  outside  CONUS.  Because consecutive overseas tours (COTs) are common events, you  must  be  familiar  with  COT  leave  travel  and transportation   allowances. Eligibility The   member   and   the   command-sponsored dependents  authorized  to  accompany  the  member  are entitled  to  COT  leave  travel  and  transportation 3-7

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