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ready identification to determine the explosive loads
and hazards presented by the identified items. A color
coding system is employed to indicate the primary use
of ammunition, the presence of a hazardous (explosive,
flammable, irritant, or toxic) filler, and/or the color of
tracers, dye loads, and signals. Information on color
coding for ammunition 20-mm or larger is contained in
MIL-STD-709, OP 2238 (latest revision), and WS
18782. The lettering, stenciled or stamped on
ammunition, includes all the information necessary for
complete identification and is marked in compliance
with NATO standards and Department of Transporta-
tion (DOT) regulations. In addition to standard
nomenclature and lot numbers, lettering may include
such information as the mark and mod, the type of
fuzes, and the weapon in which the item is fired. Table
6-1 gives the meaning of the different color codes.
Gun ammunition is most commonly classified by
the size of the gun in which it is used. In addition to
Gray with red band (s)
Gray with dark green band (s)
Light Green
Light Red
Light Blue
Nonsignificant Colors
Olive Drab
Table 6-1.Ammunition Color Coding
1. Identifies high explosives
2. Indicates the presence of explosive either
a. sufficient to cause the ammunition to function as a high explosives or
b. particularly hazardous to the user Brown
1. Identifies rocket motors
2. Indicates the presence of explosives either
a. sufficient to cause the ammunition to funcuon as low explosive or
b. particularly hazardous to the user
Identifies ammunition that contains irritant or toxic agents when used as an overall
body color except for underwater ordnance
Indicates the ammunition contains an irritant (harassing) agent
Indicates the ammunition contains a toxic agent
Identifies armor-defeating ammunition except on underwater ordnance
Identifies countermeasures ammunition
Identifies smoke or marker ammunition
Identifies incendiary ammunition or indicates the presence of highly flammable
Identities illuminating ammunition or ammunition producing a colored light;
exceptions are underwater ordnance, guided missiles, and rocket motors
Identifies ammunition used for training or firng practice
Identifies ammunition used for tracking or recovery
Identifies Dummy/Drill/Inert ammunition used for handling and loading training
All ammunition items
For lettering
1. For lettering
2. For guided missiles and rocker motors