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ANCHOR BUOY-A small float secured to the anchor
by a light line to mark the position of the anchor.
ANCHOR CHAIN-A heavy stud-linked chain used for
anchoring ships.
ANCHOR DETAIL-Personnel on the forecastle
assigned to handle ground tackle.
ANCHOR IN SIGHT-A report made by the anchor
detail on the forecastle to the bridge when the
anchor is sighted. Followed by CLEAR
ANCHOR or FOUL ANCHOR, depending on
whether the anchor is clear for hoisting to the
housed position.
ANCHOR LIGHTS-Lights required by Rules of the
Road indicating that a vessel is anchored.
ANCHOR WATCH-A detail of Seamen who stand
watch on deck. Those not on watch sleep in assigned
places and are on call throughout the night for such
duties as deemed necessary by the officer of the
ANCHORAGE-A place assigned for anchoring
ANCHORS AWEIGH-An expression used to report
that an anchor has just been lifted clear of the water.
The ship bears the weight of the anchor and is
considered to be underway.
ARMAMENT -The weapons or weapons systems of a
ARMOR-PIERCING (AP )-Ammunition especially
designed to penetrate armor.
ARMORY-A compartment aboard ship where small
arms and light machine guns are serviced and
ASSAULT CRAFT-A landing craft used in
amphibious operations.
ASTERN -Toward the back or after end of a ship.
AVAST-An order to stop or cease, as AVAST
AYE, AYE-A seamanlike reply to an order or
instruction signifying that the order is heard and
BACK-To reverse engines so that a ship may be
stopped or made to go astern, that is, BACK
BAIL-(1) To dip water out of a boat. (2) A V-shaped
support at midpoint, which, in turn, provides
support at each end (as the bail of a gangway). (3)
The handle of a bucket.
BALLAST-Weight added to a ship to ensure stability.
BARGE-(1) A large, scow-type craft usually propelled
by towing or pushing. (2) A motorboat assigned for
the personal use of a flag officer.
BATTEN DOWN-To cover and fasten down. To make
a hatch watertight for heavy seas.
BATTLE DRESS-The manner of wearing a uniform
for general quarters; that is, bloused trousers, shirt
buttoned up completely, wearing appropriate head
gear, and belt buckles reversed or removed.
BATTLE LANTERN-A battery-powered electric
lantern for emergency use.
BATTLE LIGHTS-Dim red lights below decks for
required illumination during night and darken
ship periods.
BEAM-The greatest width of a ship.
BEARING-The direction of an object from the
observer, expressed in three figures from 000$
clockwise through 360$. True bearing is measured
from true north. Magnetic bearing is measured from
the magnetic north. Relative bearing is measured
from the bow of a ship or aircraft.
BEARING CIRCLE-A ring fitted over a compass
bowl or repeater with which bearings can be taken
by sighting through vanes.
BELAY-(1) To make fast or secure a line. (2) To cancel
an order. (3) To cease.
BERTH-(1) An anchorage or mooring space assigned
to a ship. (2) A sleeping place assigned to a crew
member on board ship.
BIGHT-A loop of line or chain.
BILGE-The inside bottom of a ship or boat.
BILL-Assignments by name for administrative,
training, or emergency duties, that is, rescue and
assistance (R&A) bill.
BITTER END-The free end of a length of line, wire,
chain, or cable.
BITTS-A pair of heavy metal posts, fastened in a
vertical position on deck to which mooring lines are
BLOCK-A device made of a pulley encased in a shell,
over which a line can run freely.